Do You Feel Guilty After Making Mistakes | Tarot Reading

Want to know if you will feel guilty when you make a mistake?

Rule: Maintain a quiet inner state, will you feel guilty after meditation in your heart? Choose a tarot card from the following four cards based on your feelings. Remember not to choose deliberately or repeatedly. After selecting, scroll down to see the answer.












Card A

Generally speaking, you will control yourself very well. When you want to do something wrong, you will immediately wake up. You have your own principles of doing things and have to say that you rarely make mistakes. Even if you make a mistake, there will not be too much self-blame, and you will correct it quickly.


Card B

What you have to say here is that you have serious self-ism. Sometimes it seems to you that everything you do is right. It is difficult for you to admit your mistakes. There is no sense of guilt for mistakes.

Card C

Many times you are a bit mentally incapable of doing your own thing. When doing something, the intention is not like that, but you still do it, although you will pretend to be calm on the surface, when you are sober, You still have a certain sense of guilt.

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Card D

You will do it carefully no matter what you do. When you find that you have done something wrong, you will be very uncomfortable and have a strong sense of guilt. While having a strong sense of guilt, you are constantly growing, step by step, you will become more mature than people of the same level.