Remedies For ACIDITY – Astrology And Vedic Knowledge

Pet ki acidity ke jyotish upay

Common stomach problems (Aam Pet Ke samasya)

Stomach problems are often similar to headaches. Many people in the world suffer from the poor digestive system. Acid reflux, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, ulcers and heartburn are some of the most common known diseases that regularly haunt people.

Astrological causes of stomach problems (Pet ki samasya ke liye Jyotish upay)

Vedic knowledge states that there are three gotras :

  • Vata Dosha
  • Pitta Dosha
  • Kapha Dosha

Most stomach related diseases are due to excess of vata dosha or bile dosha. Vata dosha is excess of air element. Diseases like flatulence and flatulence are the result of vata dosha. Diseases such as stomach acid reflux, ulcers and heartburn are caused by bile defects. Pitta dosha is the excess of fire element.


Planets responsible for stomach problems (pet kee samasyaon ke lie jimmedaar grah)

Mars and Ketu cause ulcers, acid reflux and heartburn compared to the Sun. The sun normally gives good health and good digestion. Unless in very poor condition the sun will not cause stomach problems. Since there are only three planets in which the element of fire is abundant such as inflammation and acid reflux.

Shani is responsible for constipation and flatulence. Saturn has an excess of air element which causes problems related to the passage of feces and the air produced by certain foods.

Jupiter is responsible for bloating and flatulence. Jupiter has an excess of space element which leads to inflammation of the digestive area.

Venus and Moon are usually responsible for diarrhea and vomiting. The passing of food in liquid form basically through the mouth or anus.

Mercury is normally the main culprit which causes stomach diseases of all kinds of indigestion and nausea along with other planets. Mercury has an excess of earth element which does not allow food, digestive fluids and air to mix causing indigestion.

Remedies for ACIDITY – Astrology And Vedic Knowledge

Read Also: Venus Remedies and Mantra

Astrological signs with the biggest stomach problems (pet kee sabase badee samasyaon ke saath jyotisheey sanket)

Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are most commonly affected by indigestion, nausea, flatulence, and acid reflux.

Water symptoms such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are more responsible for diarrhea or vomiting. They may see heartburn, acid reflux as well as bloating.

Curved signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are susceptible to flatulence and constipation. In addition, they may cause acid reflux.

Furious zodiac signs like Aries, Leo and Dhanu are less likely to have stomach problems. But they see issues related to ulcers, heartburn or abdominal bloating. Bleeding is also possible for people with severe signs of effects on the digestive system.

Astrological Remedies for Stomach Acidity (Pet ke acidity ke liye Jyotishi upaay)

1. Drink a glass of sugar water before leaving home for work
2. Avoid Meat
3.Fed Birds
4. Grow Neem tree in your home
5. Underwear Yellow Hat Our Turban
6. Apply sandalwood paste on forehead
7. Drink milk at night

Foods for stomach problems (pet kee samasyaon ke lie bhojan)

Green leafy vegetables, oats, curd / curd, some pulses and papaya are the best foods for the stomach. In addition to this there are great medium quantities of whole grain breads. Water-melon is very good for acidity and constipation. A little ginger and lemon helps in regular meals for flatulence. Clove helps to relieve nausea and vomiting.

A glass of butter milk with cumin powder is also great for digestion. Butter milk is suitable for lactose intolerant people as it contains minimal lactose.

Yoga and Pranayama for stomach problems (Yoga aur Pranayaam)

Kapal Bhati Pranayama is the super-cure for most stomach problems. 12 steps of Surya Namaskar is another super cure. Doing both regularly is sufficient to correct most issues related to the digestive system. Performing Paschimottanasana, Tadasana, Vriksasana and Trigonasana also helps.

Go to the doctor if the problem is acute

If there is a serious stomach problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Its useless to waste time on home remedies. But to keep in touch with astrological, yoga and Ayurveda specialists when stomach problems recur, its bad exercise does not relieve it. Astrology experts can help track the astrological cause of your problem. Yoga experts can suggest along with yoga to keep the problem away. While Ayurveda experts can suggest you to eat foods and natural medicines so that the problem is less likely. As they say: Prevention is better than cure.

Please note: Some people are allergic to the foods suggested in this article. It is necessary to perform an allergy test before trying any of the natural remedies suggested in this article.