Shravan Month: Holy Month Is From July 6 to August 3, 2020, Know What To Eat

This time the month of Shravan will run from July 6 to August 3, 2020… In Shravan month some special things are not eaten at all. Some fruits and vegetables should not be eaten in this rainy season. Because at this time toxicity increases in these vegetables, which is not good for health.

Let’s know what to eat and what not to eat in Shravan

During Shravan, the rainy season is in full swing. Sunlight is less. Due to which enzymes that help in digestion do not flourish. In particular, pepsin and disease remain active at 37 degrees.

Their activities are reduced due to the low temperature during the rainy or cold weather. On the other hand, diseases also increase at this time.

Pepsin body is found in the fruits eaten in the fast, especially papaya. At the time of weather treaty or season change, the body is not able to accept the change of weather quickly, so the tradition of fasting these days was started by sages and sages. On the other hand, by keeping fast, the body gets a healthy and sattvic diet which strengthens the immune system.

That’s why don’t eat leafy vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, red bhaji, bathua, brinjal, cabbage, cabbage should not be eaten during the rainy season. The scientific reason behind this is that the fertility of insects increases in the rain. Bugs and insects grow more and more. They grow rapidly among leafy vegetables. Therefore leafy and some special greens should not be eaten during the rainy season.

Ghagh-Bhadari also spoke Chaité jaggery Baisakhe oil, Jethe Pantha Ashadhe Bell, Saavn Saag na Bhadon Dahi, Kwan Karela nor Karthik Mahi, Aghan Jeera Pose Dhana, Magh Mishri Fagun Chana, E Twelve which is due to save; This saying of Ghagh and Bhadari tells that what should be eaten every month, what should not be …

These days, people who eat less, their body stays fit for longer, while eating more gets molded. Initially, the body gets upset due to fasting, but over time it gets used to staying hungry. For 12 hours the cleansing process called autophagy starts in the body of people who do not eat anything. The body begins to clean waste cells. Hunger and fasting are beneficial in the formation of new cells. Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi received the Nobel Prize in 2016 for his discovery of autophagy.

Read Also: Maa Mangla Gauri Fasting Story

Cancer cases are also increasing these days. In such a case, on fasting day, eating satvik food, avoiding onion-garlic and non-vegetarian and consuming more fruits only, you not only keep healthy but also reduces the risk of cancer. Fasting can prolong life as the risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer also decreases. At the same time, the fasters also feel lighter.

By keeping fast, hormones are released in the body, which help to break down fatty tissues, ie you can lose weight. It has also been proved in research that short term fasting i.e. fasting for some time increases the metabolism of the body rapidly, which helps in weight loss.

By keeping fast, the body is purified. Poisonous elements come out from the body, provided you consume more fruits and vegetables during the fast. According to Ayurveda, fasting increases the digestive fire in the body. This improves digestion. This also removes the gas problem.

Fasting keeps our body light. A light body also keeps the mind light and the brain works better. Fasting has a positive effect on overall health.