What You Need To Know About World Elephant Day : Meaning, Symbolism In Astrology

Elephants are super smart and empathic creatures. August 12 is World Elephant Day, and while it is certainly a day to celebrate elephants in all their adorable glory, today also aims to bring awareness to victims of incredible dangers, such as poaching and captivity. I must admit before World Elephant Day, my knowledge of elephants was very limited – I’ve seen the movie Dumbo, I know elephants love peanuts, and I knew they were on the endangered species list. However, I did not know what kind of hardships these beautiful animals face on a daily basis, and it is truly heart-wrenching.
According to the founders of World Elephant Day, there are two types of elephants in the world – Asian, and African. Over the last 50 years, the elephant range has shrunk by more than 50 percent. Today, there are only 40,000 Asian elephants and 400,000 African elephants remaining worldwide.

Due to their natural habitat, threats to predators, and ivory trade, elephants are dying at a faster pace than ever before. But all this is not doom and gloom. Some initiatives, such as World Elephant Day, are working to reverse this terrible trend by raising awareness and money to save elephants worldwide.

Here’s everything you need to know about World Elephant Day.


What is World Elephant Day?

August 12 is World Elephant Day, a global holiday aimed at conserving and protecting elephants, and spreading awareness about the critical threats they face. World Elephant Day is an international initiative, co-founded by the Elephant Renigodation Foundation, and led by Patricia Sims, producer and director of Canezwest Pictures Inc. It was launched in 2012 to bring attention to the plight of wild elephants. And has since gone on to raise awareness on a large scale. This year, the hashtag #WorldElephantDay immediately began trending on social media as thousands of people shared information about this endangered animal.

Why should I care about World Elephant Day?

Elephants are adorable, that’s why. But more importantly, it is estimated that one in three Asian elephants are captive animals, and research has shown that captive elephants suffer long-term depression and significantly shorter lifespans. Poaching, ivory trade, loss of habitat and human-elephant conflict and captivity abuses have recently increased. So, basically, humans suck.

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What makes elephants so cool?

Uh, pretty much everything. For one thing, elephants are like humans – not only are they highly intelligent, they can feel things like grief when they lose a loved one, and they are known to cry tears. Elephants do not have any natural predators, which is why it is very sad to see these beautiful animals in danger.

How can I help?

The World Elephant Day website states that it is important for people to “experience elephants in non-exploitative and sustainable environments, where elephants can thrive under care and protection.”

You can also get involved in several ways:

  • Have a World Elephant Day party with your friends and screen the Return to the Forest documentary. The award-winning film is about the successful breeding of Asian elephants in the wild in Thailand – and it’s free to watch on YouTube!
  • Share love on social media, and tell your friends how they can help elephants. Use the hashtag #WorldElephantDay to raise awareness.
  • Donate to one of the many organizations that work tirelessly to protect elephants from predators and free them from captivity.

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What is the spiritual meaning of an elephant?

The Elephant Spirit Guide is a symbol of respect, strength, tenacity and stability. When you randomly see an elephant in your life. This means that you have a special message. This is the time when you are telling the divine spirits to you, pay full attention to this. Like its body size and weight, the elephant spirit animal reminds its people that blessings are coming to you in large packages.

Over a long period, mankind appreciated elephants. They are elite and intelligent beings in the universe in many cultures. They last the longest with a lifespan of over 60 years. Elephant spirit animals teach their people to keep relationships alive using commitment and communication and, at the same time, trust and love each other.

Their commitment to the safety of their youth is a symbol of responsibility that you can borrow from this animal. You can learn how the elephant listens best and communicates with others. Elephants benefit greatly. If you want to get more information about the symbolism of elephants in your life, then keep reading.

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What does the Elephant Symbolize?

Elephant spirit is a symbol of animal strength. This animal exhibits unmatched strength and carries the vibrations of patience, knowledge, and meditation. Female elephants lead the hearing. His footsteps are seen in the wild by other animals. This, in turn, directs the rest to the storage of water and food whenever resources are scarce. He has a vast mastery of the wild and can remember almost everything.

The power of remembering elephants symbolizes our ability to master and remember things. Elephants can remember beautiful memories that many have forgotten. They are intelligent and to ensure that they go out to work which is their heart’s desire. Apart from this, elephant symbolism reminds you of all your abilities and gives you the strength to move forward.

The elephant spirit animal is also a symbol of responsibility and accountability. Those with this spirit guide are naturally responsible and accountable from a very tender age. You will feel that you have an inner drive to care for people, especially the elderly and the young. Your choice of elephant animal totem can be beneficial for you as well as others.

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The Elephant as a Spirit Animal

When you have an elephant spirit animal as your spirit guide, you display the vibration of brilliance in everything you do. You can make a good scientist or researcher. Elephants respond to feelings and emotions by internal understanding. A family is important to them, and as mentioned earlier, they have a soft spot for the helpless and vulnerable. Loyalty is another symptom of elephants. They are ever loyal regardless of the current difficult situation.

For some people, an elephant spirit guide brings luck to their people. Its presence in your life can mean success and you are in complete control of your destiny. You are free to do all the things that you want and achieve which is the desire of your heart. As a result, you can be successful because nothing is stopping you from accomplishing your goals. Keep working and be patient, your sweat will eventually be rewarded, and you will taste success.

The Symbolism of Elephant based on Cultures

The symbolism of elephant spirit animals has been widely shared in China. They associate this animal with glory, honor and nobility. For example, elephants are considered a symbol of luck in Feng Shui and are primarily associated with family and children. They bring equally good luck when it is a prosperous and happy marriage.

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In Buddhist tradition, elephants were included in the eight sacred animals. Here, it is also associated with fate. Hindus, on the other hand, speak of Indra, the king of all the gods riding a white elephant named Indra. Airavat is said to have the ability to bring rain and thunder.

However, Africans recognize the elephant for its size and strength. They also believe that the elephant is intelligent and a protector of high memories and knowledge. They associate this animal with loyalty, care and spirituality.

The Elephant Spirit Animal in Dreams

When the elephant arrives in your dreams, it often gives the message that there is courage. You need to come out and tell your thoughts to the world. Express yourself without limits and voice your thoughts as hard as possible. Elephant people trust everything they do. Leave it loose, which you hold inside and remain strong, and in the end, you will go away.

If you were riding an elephant in your dreams, it only means that there is a situation in your life that needs immediate attention. There is a solution to this problem, you just have to find it. Apart from this, you can also take some advice from someone in your circle to help solve the problem.

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Finally, if you dream of attacking the elephant, do not panic. It means something good along the way. You are probably going to win the Mega Jackpot or lucky in terms of money. This is an ideal time to invest in a startup project.


An elephant spirit animal is very important in helping us understand everything going on in our surroundings. Their symbolism shows us that by improving each other, our blessings on earth increase manifold. The other lesson we learn from guiding the elephant’s soul is that when we were young with the people around us, we should receive the same amount of love and care. This may include our family members or the people who have helped us get to the place where we currently are.