International Youth Day 2020

International Youth Day is celebrated on 12 August 2020 to raise awareness of the challenges and problems facing youth and to celebrate the role of young women and men as essential partners in worldwide change. The day is celebrated to youth-led organizations, governments, youth and others working for education and upliftment of youth around the world. Find out more about the history, topics, quotes and facts of International Youth Day from this article.


International Youth Day 2020

International Youth Day (IYD) is celebrated worldwide on August 12 every year to differentiate the achievements of youth around the world in developing global associations. The purpose of International Youth Day is to support ways to engage them to participate more actively in making positive contributions to their associations. International Youth Day is an awareness day designed to establish cultural and legal issues involving youth.

What is the History of International youth day?

The concept of International Youth Day was suggested in 1991 by the youth of Vienna and Austria for the first conference of the UN’s World Youth Council. The committee recommended that an International Youth Day be ratified, particularly with youth organizations to strengthen the United Nations Youth Fund, for crowdsourcing and promotional purposes.

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) first designated 12 August as International Youth Day in 1999, endorsing support for the decision was confirmed by the World Youth Ministers Conference, August 1998 in Lisbon. That recommendation was later endorsed by UNGA. In the year 1999. International Youth Day was celebrated for the first time in 2000. It is a golden opportunity for young men and women to create awareness about confrontations and problems that they usually face around the world.

What is the theme of International Youth Day 2020?

The theme of the International Youth Day of 2020 is ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’. The day aims to highlight the ways in which youth at the local, national and global levels are enriching national and multilateral institutions and processes and teach lessons on how to enhance their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can go.

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The IYD 2020 aims to highlight the need to make youth engagement more efficient with the aim of strengthening its capacity to achieve global action. It sheds light on youth engagement through three interrelated streams:

  • Youth engagement at the local/community level
  • Youth engagement at the national level like formulation of laws, policies, and their implementation
  • Youth engagement at the global level

What do the people do on the International Youth Day?

There are many activities and events around the world on International Youth Day, which encourage youth to bring change in the world.

  • Many countries participate actively in this global collaboration and events may include youth conferences on complexities such as knowledge and profession.
  • Other activities may include live concerts that support the world’s youth day.
  • On this day various sports events, parades and expressions are held which test the acquisition of youth.

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Conventions and debates among the assembled youth are encouraged, depending on the chosen topic. Activities are being set up for

  • Promote understanding and unity among youth
  • To improve the active participation of young minds in social and political events
  • Making youth socially responsible
  • It is a fun occasion with various activities such as debates, exhibitions, fairs, conferences and other promotional activities. Even people living at home can celebrate this day by supporting activities through radio shows and other social media.

What is the logo for International Youth Day?

The logo includes “International Youth Day” with the theme set. This logo is usually associated with the symbol of the United Nations which is surrounded by olive leaves. The symbol has peace and unity among people around the world.

How to observe International Youth Day 2020?

On International Youth Day 2020, you can spread the message effectively and make it fun and reliable. Use all your channels to spread the message about International Youth Day. On this special day you can:

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  • Organize an educational radio show by contacting popular local / national radio stations to request a slot to discuss with dignitaries and youth.
  • In the midst of the epidemic, you can organize a virtual public meeting or debate to discuss the contribution of young people to global issues.
  • Organize a round table discussion between adults and youth to promote inter-sectoral understanding.
  • Conduct a youth forum to exchange ideas and discuss cultural backgrounds to help youth accept others and popularize the culture of non-violence.
  • Organize a virtual concert and promote International Youth Day. Invite your local musicians and combine it with a panel discussion or invite a politician or policy-maker to hold the keynote address.
  • Get permission to use public space to organize an exhibition and showcase the challenges young people face today or how youth are contributing to development. Involve more and more youth in the field of culture, art and music to raise awareness on issues related to youth.
  • You can take measures to inform youth minister about the challenges faced by the youth in their daily life and to suggest solutions.

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“A tree standing on the ground of material nature, two kinds of fruits: sweet and sour, a symbol of happiness and distress. Its roots go in three directions representing goodness, passion and ignorance. The first bird is the localized aspect. Supreme. The forest, known as the divine spirit of the divine, entity that needs neither food nor drink. The other bird representing the mortal has to choose its food from the offerings of the tree: of distress and happiness. A choice between. Sometimes he eats fruit. The fruit of happiness and sometimes distress. After eating the fruit, he spreads along the three directions of the roots, the ways of material existence, namely, goodness, passion and ignorance. ”

It is the separate development that separates the two mortal people. Development is strongly associated with past karma and guiding parenting. The realities of life have different meanings for each person. Why does a stable and rewarding professional relationship go away? Why does the sociable boss turn into a difficult task master? Why does the team lose for no apparent reason?

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Such questions have no end, but all the answers found in the development map can be analyzed. Unfortunately, this is an impossible task for mortal people. However, this development can be monitored by our efforts and choices and astrology can be the guide that shows us our very comfortable instincts. The planets and their positions indicate the positions of the other planets as well as our respective ascension and moon. This principle can be a very useful friend philosopher and guide, provided that we are open to showing that we are ready to go beyond prophetic elements.

The most important aspect of astrology is that it shows you a mirror image of your karma journey. One has to understand that there is no black or white in any horoscope, there is no good or bad, every horoscope is somewhere wrong, that is why a person is born.

The importance of 10th house takes us into the realm of career and status in life. This demonstrates fundamental possibilities. The 10th is the center and thus, any planet located here will remain dominant, powerful and influential throughout life. As it is an indestructible house (qualities that grow with time and effort), any possibility represented by any planet will increase in strength as life progresses. This effect gives great strength in overcoming all kinds of obstacles.

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The house indicates our ambition, status, profession, father, fame, recognition, foreign travel or affairs, political power, authority and many others. But very importantly, it is a symbol of our determination, self-reliance and patience. The 10th house reveals holy pilgrimages, as well as the reputation of good and philanthropic deeds, compassion, etc., is indicated by this house.

A strong 10th house will give a person a place of power in career and fame.

Different planets may fare in this house in a very unique way, regardless of their suzerainty. Let us see how they fare and how it affects our career or the importance of 10th house in general.

I will start with the Sun, as it is the most important of all the planets.

The Sun is a great planet, but it is a natural male. By virtue of this tendency, all efforts are made in the ‘Purusha’ house, the Sun does well when it is in the 10th house. Surya in 10th house is an excellent place for career and one can get success in all ventures. The Sun is in the 10th position here and therefore, while situated here, acquires dik bara, or directional power.

Astrologers often conclude that this is its best position in a horoscope. A person is career-minded and easily reaches a position of authority in his chosen profession. Fame and popularity are associated with this signature and they gain great power. As the Sun is in the 4th house, it may cause difficulties in the relationship with the mother, but money favors and a profitable relationship with the father, who can be rich and prosperous, are also indicated.