Astrological Remedies For Your Child’s Poor Academic Results !Ask A Question To Expert

Aapake Bachche Ke Kharaab Shaikshanik Parinamon Ke Jyotishiy Upaay

Education is the most powerful instrument of human empowerment and hence it holds very high importance in our life. From time immemorial, everyone is surprised that what mankind has done has come only as a fruit of the education that mankind received.


Therefore, providing children with the best possible educational opportunities is always the greatest duty that parents take towards their children.


However, a child’s final academic performance is not always related to the quality of education that he or she is receiving.


There are many cases in which children study in an educational environment, which is very challenging in terms of infrastructure, study material, teaching quality, etc., actually excel in academics and get meaningful education in their lives which ultimately leads to successful Turns into a career.

With the demands of changing times, parents seem highly concerned about their children’s education. It becomes a headache when children do not score well. In fact, in many cases, even children are not able to concentrate. One of the most common reasons is excessive use of electronic devices, which leads to disturbed attention.

Along with these reasons, various other factors such as the Vastu of the house, the Vastu of the study room, the Sun sign of the children and the direction of their sitting while studying also play an important role. And this we are going to discuss today through this article.

On the other hand, there are many children who despite being fortunate enough to study in high-quality education institutions, somehow fail to excel in academics. This creates frustration within children or children and eventually leads to a loss of interest in studies or even to a depressed state of mind.

The extreme pressure to perform well in academics that have arisen from our society ends up being thoughtful to pressure children and only makes matters worse.

Why does a child perform poorly in academics?  

First, before asking this question, ask yourself “Am I burdening my child with unjust expectations that come from social pressures to do well in academics?”

If the answer is yes, please be realistic and accept the fact that not every child has the same level of abilities and interests.

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With that being said, try to remove the pressure of comparison with your child that children face these days with their classmates. Tell your child that “he should only focus on diligently and earnestly striving to study and post, accept the result gracefully and make a point to work hard to improve in the areas where He is lacking.

It is the right approach that parents should ask their children to ensure that they actually follow it. On the outer surface, this is the best and probably the only thing that parents can and should do!

But is there anything else that can be done?

Yes there is!

Role of Planets in Education (Shiksha Mein Grahon Ki Bhumika)

According to the sacred science of Vedic astrology, planets actually play an unprecedented role in shaping a person’s personality, interests and inclinations. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that these are planets that give a lot of shape to a person’s destiny.

The planets provide their results or exert their influence on us according to our Karma account which we take from our past lives. Based on the set of deeds allotted to a planet, the planet gives us the results of those deeds, astrological remedy for stubborn child “at the time of the period of operation”.

If the planet is capturing our positive deeds from the past, then we get positive results in the “domain of our lives” which are representing the particular planet. Similarly, if the planet in question is holding our negative deeds from the past, then we get negative results in the “domain of our lives” that represent the particular planet.

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Therefore, if the planets or planets are not showing positive results in the operation during a child’s phase of education, the child’s educational performance deteriorates “unless the Vedic knowledge is applied to calm the negative effects of those planets Goes that are causing trouble.

Remedies That Can Help In Significantly Improving A Child’s Academic Performance (Upchaar)

Vedic astrology empowers an astrologer to analyze a child’s education horoscope and arrive at some highly powerful remedial measures that the child must take to calm down the negative consequences of planets that create obstacles and obstacles in their life’s education Can.

At the same time the strength of the planets increases which is positive for education in his life. astrological remedy for stubborn child,Make no mistake, these measures of educational success can help a child greatly in his educational journey.

Therefore, parents who want their child to have cosmic support, who will overcome the effects of planets withdrawing their child’s educational performance, immediately talk to the astrologer over the phone and invite cosmic blessings into their child’s life Do it!

We urge you to consult with Future Point for the Best Astrologers in India, especially when it comes to the absolutely critical issue of your child’s education.

In the meantime, you can also follow these very simple but incredibly effective astrological measures that can actually help improve your child’s educational graph:

  • Make sure your child sits to study facing East or North-East.
  • Your child’s study table should be clutter free because clutter on the study table increases the male influence of Rahu on your child leading to confusion.
  • Chanting the mantra of Lord Ganesha by the students, especially on Wednesday, helps in concentration and focus.
  • To increase grasping power to your child, donate ‘Jaggery and Chana Dal’ to cows on Thursday.
  • Putting a ha Brihaspati Yantra in the child’s room brings in the blessings of ‘ati Brihaspati’ who is the Guru of the Gods and imparts knowledge and wisdom.
  • The ‘Mangal Shanti Puja’ should be performed on behalf of the child, if Mars or Mars is positioned negatively in the child’s horoscope as a negative Mars, making the child immobile and careless.
  • To get the blessings of Goddess Saraswati in your life, donate books and stationery to needy children on behalf of your child.

Also Read: How Astrology Removes The Stress of Childbirth and Pregnancy Planning? Seek Advice from Astrologer

Lal Kitab Remedies for Good Education of Children (Lal Kitab Upchaar )

Education is one of the most essential needs of a civilized society. If the person is not educated, then he cannot do well with an educated society. An educated person in society can educate hundreds of people.

Education and examination is the most important part of student life. Parents are always concerned about their child’s performance in the classroom. totka to get good marks in astrological tips for success in exam , Sometimes, it also happens that before the final semester or summative and preliminary assessment, students get nervous and go deep into anxiety.

This may be due to peer pressure that students experience and sometimes due to pressure from their homes. Pressure from parents to gain maximum marks can make them sleepless.

In this article, we are concerned about your child’s education. Is your child trying enough but still not successful? Is he honest, but still, he is afraid to sit the astrological tips for success in exam ? If the answer is ‘yes’, then this is the right time to look for the lal kitab remedies for child study given in the Lal Kitab – as it has many solutions for your problems.

Some basic measures of your children’s education-related problems can be presented as follows-
1) If your child is having problems with concentration, then you can put a green curtain in his ear for him to study. It is good if you ask her to pray Goddess Saraswati and the Bee Mantra (Om Shree Hriman Saraswati or Nam 🙂 21 times.
2) Offer five different types of sweets in a peepal tree on Thursday with two green pieces of cardamom.
3) For a powerful memory, give your child one teaspoon of basil juice with honey every morning after breakfast.
4) Make a mixture of the role, sugar, and rose petals. Place it in a copper vessel, and offer it to the Sun God. Also, donate red-colored items to the poor.
5) To improve your child’s concentration, make a pendant with a small piece of copper, and ask him to wear it around the neck.
4) Regular recitation of Gayatri Mantra 21 times a day with ri Om ‘chanting can help increase your child’s concentration power.
7) Sometimes it is also necessary to analyze the position of the planets in the horoscope if your child is unable to cope with a weak memory. Mercury is the planet of education and knowledge. It should be positioned in a beneficial home to get maximum benefits. If the location of this important planet is not beneficial, then proper astrological advice should be sought.
8) The bed should be placed in the child’s room in the south-west corner and its head should be towards the east or south direction.
9) The study desk should be placed in such a way that the child should face East, North, or North-East while studying.
10) For positive energy in the child’s room, keep away unnecessary things such as wall hangings, furniture, and other play materials.