10 Feng Shui Lucky Charms To Bring Good Fortune For Office and Business

Feng shui has been practiced for thousands of years. It is defined as the art of living in balanced harmony with the Earth. According to Feng Shui, when we spend our life with the earth, we invite the natural gifts of the universe to flow in our lives, peace, joy and abundance.

In the Feng Shui application, the charm can be used to enhance your best direction for good luck. These variables can also be used in conjunction with specific elements for various Feng Shui applications.

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How to bring good luck to your business ? Come learn the ten best attractions in Feng Shui:

Lucky Money Cat (Maneki Neko)

Lucky Money Cat is a lucky charm that is very popular in Japanese and Chinese cultures. The cat’s barking claw signifies approaching wealth. Cats are able to see even in the dark, and drive away evil spirits who have bad intentions towards your success. At work time, this lucky charm is kept at your office desk or next to the cash register. In your home, you can keep the cat in the south-east (wealth) or north-eastern (inner knowledge areas).

Money frog

In many Asian cultures, The Money Frog is believed to be the personal pet of the Chinese god of wealth. This frog is actually a limb with three legs and statues often bear a coin in the mouth and a string of coins around the feet. They must either face the main entrance, into the northern (carrier) region of a space, or to the southeastern (wealth) region to activate the flow of prosperity in your life. If you want to keep it in your store, the frog must rest prominently near the cash register, facing the entrance.

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Chinese dragon

Chinese dragons are considered the supreme creature of all creatures. They symbolize good luck, success and security. These dragons can be easily found in Chinese architecture, such as palaces, walls, bridges, and even in China serving household items and bowls. This lucky charm can be placed in different areas of your home for the specific chi energy that the dragon represents.

Koi or Karp

Koi or carp serves as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. This fish is capable of being very old, and also represents unity and fidelity as they often swim together in pairs. This is why the lure of fish is often given as an ideal gift to represent a complete union. It is a symbol of fertility because of their ability to reproduce rapidly and in large quantities. Placing three Koi in a bowl will attract strength and prosperity even during difficult times.


Bamboo has long been a Chinese symbol of strength. Many admire the bamboo qualities of rapid growth and resilience. The bamboo symbol is used to convey an understanding of what a real gentleman should be: strong, upward and firm, even if not physically strong. You can develop your luck by planting bamboo plants in the east or south-east area of ​​your house.

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Chinese knot

The Chinese knots have a cord, a knot and a pendant, and are made using a piece of the same thread. The most commonly used color in the Chinese knot is red, which signifies good luck and prosperity. It can also be used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck to a marriage. The Chinese knot should be placed in the southwest part of the bedroom to enhance the relationship.

Laughing Buddha

In Chinese culture, Laffing Buddha is considered a person of good and loving character and his image represents contentment, happiness, good luck and abundance. The statue is also considered as a Feng Shui symbol that brings prosperity to one’s life. Laughing Buddha should be placed towards the main door of the house or office or on the corner table which is opposite the front door.


An object that brings energy inside the house is the flower. It is considered a carrier of energy, which changes the flow within the house. Fresh flowers especially will bring positive energy including energy which will change the fate of the occupants in the house. Among various types of flowers, chrysanthemum is known to carry strong yang energy and can be used to attract good luck in the home.

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White candle

White candles in Feng Shui are believed to provide positive energy as opposed to black candles, which bring disaster. White candles are said to represent a metallic element, which can bring clarity, efficiency, and accuracy. Keeping these candles in your home can help with stressful thoughts, bring lightness to mind and be. When choosing candles, be careful to choose those that do not contain harmful chemicals.


Since ancient times, salt is something that has been used for body cleansing treatments and cleansing including massage. When moving to a new house, sprinkle some salt in the room and let it soak up all the bad energy from the previous tenants. Leave it for 24 hours and dust off the salt. In this way, your home will have a new environment welcoming positive energy.