5 zodiac sign pairings compatible for making love but not conversation so dont expect easy banter

If you had to choose between a partner with whom you had great sex and terrible banter, or a partner who had great banter and lousy sex, which would you choose? In the long run, I would personally choose the latter. But I know I’m not the only one who has had someone totally wrong with me just because of the sex. Certain zodiac pairings are good for sex but not for talking, and even if someone is your ideal sex partner, they can be a disastrous partner outside the bedroom. I know – life isn’t fair.

Two people who complement each other perfectly in bed have little else in common when they’re not making love. There are many factors that must be considered when it comes to compatibility, and sexual chemistry is only one of many. I’m not saying that sleeping with someone who doesn’t share your values or interests is a bad thing – I’m just saying that some people are better suited for a one night stand or summer lover than your significant other. It’s possible for two physically incompatible people to have better sex if they work well together, but with these zodiac pairings, you can’t have anything more than incredible sex.

Aries are strong-willed and have a stronger personality, which may make them a perfect bedroom match with the discreet, likable Libra. However, since these two signs are opposite each other in the zodiac, they develop a mutual sexual attraction and are often attracted to each other. After all, Libras like to give others what they want, and their slow, sentimental nature can help an ambitious Aries slow down in the bedroom.

But despite their sexual chemistry, the two signs have little in common. Libra craves validation and affirmation, while Aries is too willfully independent to provide it. Since Libra is thoughtful and Aries is impulsive, they also have a hard time understanding each other’s motivations. The only thing they can agree on is that they love wearing it.

What a surprise – and two opposite signs with great sex lives! Capricorn and Cancer are also opposite each other in the zodiac, therefore, their sexual compatibility is very good. Although these two signs are different, they help each other to fulfill in a very necessary way by giving the other sign what they need. Capricorn lacks passion, Cancer is full of passion. Cancer lacks the ability to relax, while Capricorn has the patience to reassure them. Expect fireworks when you put these signs together.

Both signs understand the allure of stability, but when it comes to understanding each other, they’re at a loss. Cancer craves deep, intimate conversations with others, and serious Capricorns, unfortunately, are less likely to have frank conversations.

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