Astrologer Says You Can Have a Career As A Movie Star Too ! Ask A Question To Experts

Jyotishi Kahate Hain Ki Aap Ek Film Star Ke Roop Mein Bhe Career Bana Sakte Hain! Visheshagyon Se Ek Sawal Poochho

Entertainment world has now taken a more inventive bowed of psyche. With the presentation of craftsmanship and Indie films, even the crowd has opened their psyches to new ideas and story lines. In this 21st Century, Film and Cinema have become a significant piece of the individuals’ lives.

In addition to the fact that it is a significant wellspring of entertainment but data too. Looking for a fruitful vocation as a famous actor in this field has never been a cake-walk. Notwithstanding, the great places of stars and Nakshatras and development of specific Yogas in one’s horoscope can lead one down this aesthetic way.


How about we feel free to see how crystal gazing impacts one’s calling and what all components are liable for a vocation as a celebrity and in the Film Industry. Let’s go ahead and understand how astrology questions to ask ,affects one’s profession and all factors are responsible for career-related questions to ask astrologer as a film star and in the film industry.

If you really wish to know more and customized details about your life, then Click on this image and Ask a Question to our reputed astrologers. Astrology consultation questions.

How does Astrology determine Your Career As A Movie Star? (Kaise Jyotish Ek Film Star Ke Roop Mein Apne Career Ka Nirdhaaran Karata Hai?)

According to Vedic astrology, a strong fifth house and planets Surya, Venus, and Jupiter are responsible for a successful and top rung as a film star in the film industry.

Where Venus represents art and drama, Jupiter is a symbol of luck and fortune and Surya stands for fame. Adding to this, a strong fifth house brings emerging success through matters of the fifth house, ie action, entertainment, action, and so on.

Does astrology really work?

According to KP astrology, it is clearly stated that when the 5th Kapha sub lord is presented in the constellation of the planet ruling the second, sixth, tenth, and eleventh house, the natives achieved immense success in the entertainment field. Does.

However, the connection of the planet Karka Venus automatically increases the favorable yoga, yielding the desired results.

Explaining the above, if a strong relationship is established between the 5th Kasp sub lord and the 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th house, a career related questions to ask astrologer in the film industry may be indicated.

However, if the 10th Kaspa sub lord is strongly associated with the 5th, 6th and 11th houses along with the 5th house, the success can be confirmed.

Therefore, it is clearly a case of cross-connection, which serves as an important aspect when determining a successful career in films.

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Does astrology really work ? However, all these results occur during the 2nd to 5th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th house ambitions according to the Anglo Anthology. Keep in mind that the above criteria can be applied in the context of horror astrology. Astrology questions to ask.

Nature Of Work As Per Planets (Grahon Ke Anusaar Kaary Ki Prakrti)

With the above astrological analysis, we can classify the area of ​​a single work on the basis of planets. You can make a career as a film star or perhaps become part of the film industry in some other way. Let’s talk about it in detail:

Sun (Surya Grah)

If the main importance is Surya, then you can make a career in production and as a producer. It is known that the producer of the film leads the film to success.

Moon (Chandra Grah)

If the main significance is the Moon, which stands for emotions and expressions, then you can excel in making tragic movies and children’s movies. Also, by combining Moon-Saturn you can make message-oriented movies.

Mars (Mangal Grah)

If Mars is of prime importance, symbolizing fearlessness, then you can make a career as a film star. Therefore, you can be the leading hero, action star or comedian.

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Jupiter (Brhaspati Grah)

If the main significance is Jupiter, the native can excel as a director. However, many planetary combinations enable natives to make names in different styles, astrology predictions that came true ,which are as follows:

  • Surya-Jupiter = patriotic movies
  • Moon-Jupiter = movies for children, message-oriented movies
  • Mars – Jupiter = Action Movies
  • Mercury-Jupiter = Comedy Movies
  • Venus-Jupiter = love stories/music
  • Saturn-Jupiter = Tragedy Movies, Historical or Mythological Movies
  • Rahu-Jupiter = Horror Movies / Mystery Adventures
  • Ketu-Jupiter = Philosophical movies

Venus (Shukra Grah)

If the main significance is Venus, you are expected to make your career as a set-coordinator, fashion stylist or make-up artist. These people combine the overall look and show off a film and help enhance the overall beauty.

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Saturn (shani grah)

If the main factor is Saturn, the natives who work behind the camera are vulnerable. Below are the combinations of some planets naming some of them:

  • Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn-Jupiter: Dancer, Choreographer
  • Mars-Saturn-Jupiter: Action Director, Stunt Master
  • Mercury-Moon-Venus-Saturn-Jupiter: Music Director, Music Director
  • Mercury-Moon-Saturn-Venus-3rd house: Lyricist
  • Mercury-Mars-Chandra-Saturn-Third House: Screenwriter, dialogue writer, screenwriter
  • Mercury-Mars-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu: On-Set Technician, Graphics
  • Wed-Jupiter-Venus and 5, 3 houses: movie distributors
  • Mercury-Jupiter: Advertisement

Astrology predictions that came true ,keep in mind that these results are based on the ongoing dasha and bhukti in a native horoscope. There are instances when someone started out as a villain in the film industry but turned out to be a successful hero, action hero or comedian. This change or change can be seen due to co-rulers.