Improve Memory with help of Astrological Remedies

Does it happen to you that you have said something to your wallet at some place of your house and you forget where you have kept it? I know 90% of people will answer “yes”.

Lal Kitab is a very effective way to improve general memory. This Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss will help in remembering old events and remembering them when needed and enhancing memory.

Please note that this is a general measure, more specific measures can be recommended only after analyzing the horoscope. In other words, if you are not benefited by this measure, it means that you have to get your horoscope analyzed to get a specific Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss.


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Remedy to Improve General Memory :

Take a small amount of rice. Color them with a paste of turmeric {turmeric}. Take the rice to a Shiva temple and place it on the Shiva Linga before praying that I / he is blessed with a sharp memory. Leave a small amount of rice in the temple and bring the remaining rice back home. For safe keeping, offer rice to the mother in a small square square box of silver. The mother should place it in the North East corner of the house, where it should be kept non-stop.

This Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss should be done on Thursday.


Memory is what we store in our mind. We use, apply, and experience what we learn. It is the store room of learning, failures, emotions, rise or fall, good and bad experiences, impressions, relationships etc. and thus it is very essential to use stocking and its use in this store area. This entire process is called memory. There may be problems with storing information or sometimes obtaining information from this store house. We call this a retention or memory problem. This can happen due to various reasons – lack of concentration, lack of recapture euthanasia, nervous break down and disturbances, tension, anxiety etc.

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Its correct use for a meaningful purpose is called application. The imprint of this prudent application is called intelligence. Each has different areas of application of intelligence. For a chartered accountant, his memory of logic is important. Whereas for the creative director of an advertising agency, intelligence must engage with creativity.

According to astrology and Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss, the Moon signifies Mind and Body, which plays the game of intelligence with Mars as an indicator of logic, Mercury for versatility, Venus for creativity, Jupiter for knowledge, second for knowledge Ghar, 5th house for intelligence. The ultimate reason for the use of intelligence can however be for any combination of 4 – dhara, artha, kama or moksha.


A decrease in concentration of mind which is predominantly due to weakness in the Moon causes concentration issues, due to which no one is able to remember. Concentrated concentration is essential for memory improvement that can be corrected through the correct use of gemology. This suggests the use of a pearl embedded in a silver ring to be worn on any bright moon or Monday. It is giving very good results.

To increase memory use this Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss – Mercury has to be strengthened by the use of green color. The lower and upper parts of the thumb can improve memory when strengthened.

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A good balance of body and mind is necessary, for which all the answers to yoga are – practice meditation, gaze candle flame, deep breathing, yoga postures – Sarvangasana, Halasana, Vajra Asana and Shava Asana. Other methods of sticking your tongue to the palate are acupressure of the fingers several times a day,

Many people use tricks (home remedies with a lack of proven scientific reasoning) such as tying the green wire in the thumb, using the point finger while reading, tying up the root of the epilogue and guillotine or even food. These may not satisfy a scientist but are proven methods to improve memory.

In Astrological Remedies for Memory Loss Memory power is the opposite of Vata-related imbalance in our body because it causes disturbances in the nervous system, nervousness, anxiety due to which the orthodox and not able to maintain full concentration. There is an Ayurvedic way to avoid the food that increases vata (air) in the body, thus suggesting eating of myrobalan with water 2-3 times a day and a balanced diet which supports this concept. Shankh Pushpi and Brahmi are famous for anxiety, lack of concentration, nervousness, loss of memory, mental disorder, insomnia, etc.

The ultimate answer to memory, however lies in its use. The more we use, the better it is.