Crystals That Help With Menstrual Pain

Menstruation is a natural process that occurs every month after puberty in a woman’s life. Menstrual pain or period pain is abdominal and lower back pain that women experience during their menstruation, while there is a lack of blood. Some women experience minimal or mild discomfort during menstruation, and others suffer from severe pain.

If they are suffering from unbearable pain during menstruation every month, they may simply pop a pill but it may not be the only viable solution every time.

Instead of taking medicines or any medications, you can use healing crystals for menstrual cramps that can reduce pain. These special crystals have mystical powers that make pain bearable, as well as headaches and mood swings.

How can crystals help with menstrual pain? (Maasik dharm mein dard kaise ratan madat karta hai)

Crystals or gemstones have healing power that can be used through the application of crystals to help the body’s energy system find a comfortable and healthy point of balance to improve the quality of life.

Pain has a serious and harmful effect on the quality of life, and crystals can be highly effective in dealing with pain.

Crystals help reduce, handle, or treat pain in many ways. They can work directly on pain, or help reduce pain in particular areas of the body.

Healing from crystals is not achieved in just one session, especially when you are suffering from chronic pain.

You just need to find the right crystals to help with period pain because not all crystals vibrate at the same rate or work in the same way to relieve pain.

However, it is advised that you do not lose hope if the crystals do not start working immediately. Astrology prediction is a better motivation and motivation to achieve a goal or attain certain energy.

Menstrual pain can range from mild to severe. Mild menstrual cramps are sometimes barely noticeable, however, there are days when the pain has to endure too much.

These powerful energetic crystals act as excellent remedies when used according to proper rituals. Severe menstrual pain can be so painful that they interfere with a woman’s normal activities for several days. To reduce pain you can buy chakra crystals that can help reduce your menstrual problems including PMS, as well as physical problems during periods if you use it properly.

10 crystals to ease menstrual pain (10 ratn jo maasik dharm mein dard ko kam kare)

• Kidney stone to control menstrual pain

It is an effective remedy for female problems, especially to control the menstrual cycle and cramps and to reduce labor. A kidney stone is also known as malachite which draws emotions to the surface and cleanses all chakras.

• Moonstone for hormonal balance (Hormonal balance ke liye Chandrakanta mani)

Moonstone is the stone that emits feminine energy. Female fertility, premenstrual syndrome and menopause associated. Moonstone helps to help women in all their happiness – maid, mother and intelligent woman. This stone helps to embrace the continuous flow of female hormones.

• Sapphire for emotional balance ( bhaavanaatmak santulan ke lie neelam)

Blue Sapphire is considered a powerhouse of healing energy that will keep you safe and calm during menstruation. Also, known as lapis lazuli. Its soothing energy will keep your nature down, it will make you feel relaxed and relaxed. It is a wonderful crystal to strike emotional balance, especially during PMS.

Crystals That Help With Menstrual Pain (Mani jo maasik dharm dard mein madad kare)

Read Also: Astrology Remedies for Good Career and Job

• Rose Quartz for pain relief and complications  (dard se raahat aur jatilataon ke lie gulaabi saftik)

Rose quartz stimulates the circulatory system, the heart, the proper functions of stress and stress relief. Using this crystal for meditation can be a powerful tool to deepen your meditation skills, as well as achieve a specific result during your meditation. This delicate crystal supports the female reproductive system, dealing with sexual difficulties, genitals, therapy after childbirth and postpartum depression. Wearing quartz daily reduces the menstrual pain which will help you feel relief and less pain. Rose quartz is considered as an alternative to diamond gemstones.

• Emerald gemstone to restore brain chemistry and better mood (mastishk rasaayan aur behatar mood ko bahaal karane ke lie panna rant)

It enhances and improves the emotional, intellectual and physical health of the body stimulating the immune system. It is also known as fluorite gemstone, which is a crystal to relieve brain wave disturbances, restore brain chemistry and soothe dizziness and dizziness problems.

• Red coral for menstrual symptoms (maasik dharm ke lakshanon ke lie laal moonga)

The best benefits of red coral are the miraculous effects of its treatment. This crystal stimulates metabolism, helping to provide a good blood supply to organs and tissues. Karelian gemstones benefit a person in curing skin diseases, purifying blood or protecting from cuts, wounds, wounds and injuries. It is also known as Carnelian

• Ruby for Gemstone Balancing Minerals (ratn santulan saadhane ke lie Maanik)

It purifies energy and eliminates all negative energy, stabilizes the wearer’s aura, removes stress and negative and harmful thoughts. People used Ruby, also known as Jasper which uses healing energy to heal problems with internal organs (liver, bladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys). This crystal is always used as an aid in balancing the mineral content inside the body and encourages better functioning of all organs.

• Garnet for physical and problem during PMS (Sharirik Dard ke liye Raktmani)

The most important use of this crystal is to help calm the person during PMS and menstruation and to heal emotional outbreaks, heal depression and balance energy.

• Turquoise for headaches and depression (Sardard aur aavasad ke liye Firoz)

Turquoise was considered as a crystal which is good for relief from depression, panic attacks, infections and stomach problems. It was believed to be best when it comes with migraines, headaches, brain, ear and eye problems. This gem is most effective for healing body, soul and mind. It enhances the mood of the wearer which brings it into balance, giving a personal feeling of peace and tranquility.

• Labradorite to reduce stress during PMS

Labradorite crystals are the best aid to reduce stress and anxiety, especially during menstruation, for pain relief and for PMS symptoms. It reduces high blood pressure and reduces a person’s sensitivity to cold and heat swings. It is also known as spectrolite.

• Sapphire for headaches and infections (Sardard aur sankraman ke liye neelam)

It helps to remove negative thoughts and removes mental stress from a person’s mind. It is a symbol of power, vigor, wise judgment and kindness. It is used to heal the entire body, soothe insomnia, helps during weather changes, improves eye light and relieves headaches.

How to use healing crystals (Mani ratn kaise istmaal kare)

  • If you are resting in bed, place specific crystals on your stomach where you are in pain.
  • You can also keep gems in your pocket or in your bag to keep away from pain.
  • Be sure to use domed stones and a raw one, especially if you are using them directly on your skin to avoid any irritation.
  • They are in ideal shape to hold under the pillow.