Cure For Diabetes – Astrological Remedies

Diabetes has become so common in today’s world. Furthermore, it has become our way of life. This was not so common in earlier days. Typically, people were not familiar with diabetes. Certainly, the rich were prone to it, because they used to eat rich, doing nothing but sitting like a boss.


However, diabetes is common in both young and old. The treatment of diabetes is not a complete proof, but these astrological measures will help you a lot. It is a genetic disorder but immediately it is likely to be due to unhealthy lifestyle, peer pressure and most importantly stress. According to astrology, Jupiter and Venus help to determine whether you have diabetes or not.


Apart from detecting the signs for diabetes, it also helps in correcting it through some measures.

Signs of diabetes according to astrology

As I already mentioned above, Jupiter and vein helps in finding out about the symptoms of diabetes. That is to say, Jupiter tells about a person’s past life, deeds and lifestyle while Venus imparts knowledge about the family in which the person is born.

First of all, if a person’s Jupiter is affected by any defective planet or is not kept sacred in the horoscope, it gives rise to issues in the pancreas leading to insulin imbalance and also obesity, which in turn Type II causes diabetes.

Type II diabetes is not only genetically inherited, but is also due to unhealthy lifestyle and mental health issues.

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Secondly, if the person’s Venus is defective or impaired, it means that someone in the family was suffering from it. So the person is sure to be diagnosed with diabetes. The common symptoms that occur are increased glucose levels, which also damages white blood cells which in turn leads to a weakened immune system. This causes type I diabetes.

This further leads to a person’s continued dependence on the medicine. Damaged blood cells are passed on in the latter and similarly, I have diabetes.

Therefore it is extremely important to control both Venus and Jupiter.

Astrological remedies to cure or control diabetes

  • Yoga / Pranayama is very beneficial to reduce the possibility of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to do Anulom-Antonym, Suryanamaskar, Ardhamurindindrasana, etc.
  • Meditation, bhajan of citation Om ‘, Gayatri Mantra, and listening to the sound vibrations before going to bed and after waking up really helps to control diabetes.
  • Offer yellow gram, jaggery, banana, and sweets in the temple and fasting every Thursday will help you to please Jupiter.
  • Donating anything yellow to a priest also helps calm your Jupiter.
  • Offer food to white cows every Friday. Doing this for a year will help you to protect your later generation from diabetes.
  • Exercise daily, eat healthy food especially green vegetables (bitter gourd) and fruits (amla).
  • Mixing turmeric and lemon juice in milk will cure this disease.
  • Avoid drinking coffee as much as possible. Try to include ginger and cardamom in your diet.
  • Avoid consuming chocolate, high calcium, or sugar.
  • Controlling anxiety, stress, anger, etc. will help you to get rid of diabetes prominently.