Dental (Teeth) Problems In Medical Astrology

Daanton kee samasyaon ke jyotisheey upaay

This can occur from cavities, tooth enamel or filler, gum disease, fractured teeth or exposed roots. Once your dentist discovers the problem, you may need a filling, a root canal, or treatment of your gums to replace the tissue lost on the root.

Astrologically, the root factors of astrological remedies for teeth problems are:

  • Planets – Saturn (ruling bones including teeth; also ruling decay); The sun as a secondary factor
  • Hint – Makara (primary ruler of composite bones / teeth); Secondary factors – Taurus (tooth pulp; lower teeth / jaw), Aries (pulp excluding tooth bones; upper teeth / jaw)


  • Makaan – 2nd house (teeth pulp, teeth type / beauty – cosmetic issues), Vedic astrology also considers 7th house for dental disease); 6th / 8th / 12th house for any disease in astrology.
  • Nakshatra – kritika
    The first ten degree portion or the first part of the drakkana (D-3) represents the twelve parts of the body, namely the head, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, two cheeks, mouth and two jaws. (D3 chart – D3th house mouth; 7th house right jaw, jth house left jaw)

The first ten degree portion or the first part of the drakkana (D-3) represents the twelve parts of the body, namely the head, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, two cheeks, mouth and two jaws. (D3 chart – D3th house mouth; 7th house right jaw, jth house left jaw)

Dental (Teeth) Problems in Medical Astrology

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There is nothing quite as painful and depressing as a toothache. The good news is that you can treat toothache with a dozen astrological remedies for teeth problemsto help ease the pain. There is also a very good chance that you have most of the items on the list inside your fridge, or kitchen cabinet drawer.Toothache is the result of an irritable or inflamed pulp, which lies within the central region of the tooth.

12 Remedies for toothache (Daanton ke samasyaon ke upaay)

Clove (laung)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, When it comes to natural home remedies for tooth infection, there is nothing that is higher than cloves! Cloves have extremely powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties that help reduce toothache. The anesthetic properties also help fight infection.

Warm Salt Water (garm namak ka paanee)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, All it takes is a little salt added to a glass of warm water, and you can reduce the pain of toothache. This homemade mouthwash solution will help fight bacteria that cause tooth decay and infection.

Ice Cube (barf ka tukada)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, Head over the freezer and take out a couple of pieces of ice. The ice cube helps numb the infected nerves that cause terrible pain. Dentists use ice to test for sensitivity on teeth.

Salt and Pepper(namak aur mirch)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, The next remedy can be found on your kitchen table. When mixed together, salt and pepper provide a wonderful relief. Natural antibiotics inside the mouthwash can help reduce uncomfortable pain within the pulp area.


Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, It is no secret that garlic is the “cure-all” when it comes to home remedies. Garlic is ideal not only for treating a common cold, but also for treating teeth. Garlic has a group of antibiotic properties that can help relieve toothache.

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Asafoetida (heeng)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, powdered gum resin inside asafetida can help reduce pain during toothache and bleeding gums. The smell of asafetida may not be very pleasant, but natural pain treatment is worth the bad smell!

Baking Soda (Baking Soda)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, Baking soda helps whiten your teeth and acts as a natural pain reliever for teeth, when mixed with a little water. Baking soda promotes quick healing of painful or swollen gum tissues, which is why many toothpastes feature sodium bicarbonate on the label.

Lemon or Lemon juice(Limbu )

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, Citric acid of lime juice helps in killing germs causing infection in teeth. Lemon juice also contains vitamin C, which prevents your teeth from rotting. Mixing lemon juice and baking soda can also help whiten teeth.

Vanilla Extract(veneela satr)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, Vanilla extract contains eugenol, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties that are used to fight tooth decay. Eugenol helps relieve that unwanted toothache and provides a quick pain relief solution.

Onion (Piyaj)

Astrological remedies for teeth problems says, Onion gives great relief to people suffering from tooth abscess or sensitive gums. Onion is highly regarded by dentists for its natural and powerful antimicrobial properties. Onions have been compared to 8 Advil capsules or a full bottle of Orajel!

Bayberry (vestindeez ka vrksh)

Bayberry root bark is used to help strengthen the gums. Berries are ideal for treating tooth ache as well as pain. Babberry’s natural antibiotics should work on your aching tooth very quickly.

Guava leaves (amarood kee pattiyaan)

Guava leaves are used to heal mouth sores and toothache. The juice of guava leaves has many antibacterial properties that relieve tooth decay or gingivitis. Immediately after applying in sensitive areas you should feel the effect of guava leaves.