Do not visit the cemetery during these times; Reasons.

In many religions, a life, whether human or ant, takes birth and rebirth according to their deeds until they attain ultimate salvation. When the cycle of life is completed without sin, one can approach salvation. It will probably reborn you in a higher form in the next life.  A body, after it dies, performs many rituals according to Hindu rites for the peace of the soul. Cemeteries are part of such ceremonies. Because some invisible energy exists in such places, it is detrimental to certain people to visit such places at certain times.

Do not visit the cemetery during these times‌

Do not visit the cemetery during these times‌

According to Hindu culture, cremation on the banks of a river is considered sacred. Cemetery ghats are found on some river banks. There the corpses are brought to the end of their mortal life. On the other hand, if one bathes in the holy river basins, they wash away any sin that is forgivable in the sight of God. That is why, after death, the ashes flow into the holy river to be cleansed from their deadly sins

Since the cemetery is also the abode of ghosts, evil spirits, fierce deities and agoraphobes, Hinduism advises people not to visit this place until the moon sets and sets in the morning.

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Do not visit the cemetery during these times‌

Lord Shiva and his wife Kali are considered to be the lords of the cemetery. While Shiva meditates wrapped in ashes, Goddess Kali chases away evil spirits with all her might.

It is believed that Lord Shiva picks up the dead if a body is left to be cremated in the cemetery at night after burial. Therefore, it is said that if there is any human encroachment on the cemetery during this endeavor, he will face the wrath of Goddess Kali.

Do not visit the cemetery during these times‌

According to Hindu science, one is not advised to just walk around in a cemetery during the day. The human body is too weak to fight an evil spirit at a time when evil spirits are at its peak. A man should never go to the funeral of the dead while his wife is pregnant. The body should not be carried to the cemetery.

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According to Hindu science, there are some important things to follow after death. Never rush to bury the dead. If a person dies during the day, his body should be cremated within 9 hours (three yams). But if it is night, the body can be cremated in 1 hour and 24 minutes. It is believed that if Yamadevan removes the soul from the wrong body, he also has the power to give it back. Therefore, one has to wait a while before preparing the body for cremation.

Do not visit the cemetery during these times‌

If a person dies in Dakshinayana, Krishnapaksha, at night or in bed, each of these is equivalent to harm. Therefore, before burying the dead, their relatives must make amends for each of these evils. This can be done by feeding the Brahmins or donating money for alms or fasting.

Only men go when a body is taken to the cemetery. Performs ritual cleansing when returning home. Everyone who was part of the funeral must wash and clean the house. A lamp should be placed where the body is lying. Family and close relatives should not visit other people’s homes until after the funeral. They should not be part of festivals or temples. Marriages and other good deeds should be postponed. About 12 hours after the funeral, family members can collect the remains.