Don’t make these mistakes in the Kitchen; Avoid Misfortune

The kitchen is the sacred part of a house after the room for worship or adoration. This is an important part of every home. The role of the kitchen is very important in bringing positive energy to your home. The kitchen is not only a place to protect the health of your family, but also a place to protect the fortunes of your family.

The importance of the kitchen in the home is emphasized in both architecture and mythology. It also tells us how they change our lives. An important space in such a house needs to be handled very carefully. Some mistakes that are handled carelessly in the kitchen can make your family miserable. So, in this article we will read about some of the things you should never do in the case of home kitchen.


There is an architectural reason behind every arrangement in the house. Never place a washbasin near the kitchen stove or near the stove. It is also not advisable to build a toilet or bathroom next to the kitchen wall.

Dangerous Effects of Using Aluminium Utensils on Human body :

Aluminum utensils
Some metals play an important role in your life. According to Hindu mythology, the use of a particular metal, such as aluminum, can adversely affect a person’s fate and health. As Rahu affects this particular metal, aluminum utensils are also attracted to negative energy.

Also Read: Vastu For Kitchen, Vastu Tips For Kitchens, Kitchen Vastu

Do not store milk in an aluminum container
The nature of the milk is cold. It refers to the moon. Rahu and Chandran are not gods suitable for the same deeds. So never store milk in an aluminum container.Do not cook rice in an aluminum pan
Never cook rice in an aluminum pan in the kitchen. This is because it reduces the positive effect of Venus. Prolonged consumption of rice cooked in aluminum pans can lead to digestive ailments. It can even lead to marital discord in couples.
Do not build the kitchen in the middle of the house
Do not build the kitchen in the middle of the house
According to architecture, it is not advisable to build a kitchen in the middle of your house or in front of your house. It should always be built in or near the back of the house.

Avoid red paint
Each color has its own architectural and astrological significance. Never paint the kitchen red. Red indicates the spirit of the fire. Vastu suggests not to increase the energy of the fire by the color red as every kitchen already has a permanent fire source. Similarly, black is not suitable for a kitchen.There should be no toilet above the kitchen
A house with a bedroom or toilet below or above the kitchen or against the wall will always invite misfortune. If the toilet is built above the kitchen, it is believed that it absorbs all the polluting forces and loses positive energy. Likewise, it is not advisable to build a toilet at the bottom of the kitchen.

The bedroom should not be above the kitchen
Likewise, it is never advisable to build a bedroom above the kitchen, especially above the stove area. This resonates with the fire and can lead to marital discord.

Kitchen location

Kitchen location
The kitchen should never be on the north or northeast side, as this can affect a person’s career, especially female members. The southeast direction is the ideal place to place the kitchen. You can also use the northwest corner of the house. The gas stove should be placed southeast, as the food maker should face east.