Everything You Need to Know About Your Rising Sign and How It Affects Your Relationships

Some of astrology’s biggest elites make their claims based on the fact that they do not identify with their sun signs. And … it’s really fair! But sorry, hate, there is actually an astrological explanation for this. Yes Depending on where all the planets were at the time of your birth, you may feel that you identify most strongly with a completely different sign. This is about your rising sign.

Suppose you are a Cancer Sun, but a Sagittarius Rising (sometimes also known as your ascension). When you first meet people and say that you are a cancer, they expect you to be shy or perhaps moody. But your Sagittarius Rising will really fill the happy-go-lucky outlook and charm with those Cancerians who could sell sand in the desert. Where the Rising Sign comes into practice – it is a key factor in shaping and defining one’s attitude, first impressions, appearance and demeanor.


What exactly is a Rising sign?

If you are new to astrology, you can only know your sun sign. But we all also have many other signs – sign of a moon, sign of Mars, sign of Pluto, etc. Think of your birth as a snapshot of the sky at which time you were born. Each type of sign describes the planet or luminous (Astro for the Sun and Moon, btw) when you made your earthly beginning. And then your rising sign, also known as your ascending. It describes what amount was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.

Your rising sign determines the way you see people around the world. Some astrologers refer to the Rising Sign as the “mask” that people wear – it can shed light on the first impressions you make as well as your initial reactions and reactions to various situations. Some people suggest that you read both your Sun and Rising sign horoscope to get a better picture of what lies ahead for you.

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You are the friend who always wants to go out. Spring Break in Cabo? You’re there. There is a ton of energy with this placement, and you are usually more enthusiastic and passionate about life.

You act before you think, which makes a ton of living with you but can also get you in some sticky situations. Aries risks are all about leadership and taking charge, but there is also a tendency to come off as aggressive or boss.


As a Taurus Rising, you have a practical approach to life. You are exposed to the finer things of life and are not ashamed to indulge yourself in life’s greatest pleasures (eg, eating as many pints of ice cream as ‘freakin please’). A strong work ethic is at the core of your ethos, and you can expect an unmatched stubborn streak with this ascension.

When confronted with new situations you are resistant to change, slow walking and being alert. You are an incredibly loyal friend, but you can be cautious while getting to know new people.


You can’t sit still. Think about it – last time you focused on one thing for more than five minutes. Gemini Riding has the gift – your brain runs a mile a minute and you are eager to suck up as much knowledge as possible. You are super curious about the world and always ready to share a random fact.

There is an uneasiness with this rising sign, which can cause some trouble. Exercise is a successful way to reduce this energy. You are highly social, playful, impulsive and hard to discredit. It will take some real charm and intelligence to woo you.



Everyone likes to come to your house for a night of wine. You can be shy and reserved when you meet someone for the first time, but once you consider them worthy of friendship, your loyalty is no match. You may be a little homemaker and probably a “mother’s friend”.

You are always caring for your loved ones and inviting them for a homemade meal or your signature. When you’re drowning with friends, you’re probably breaking an old box of Polaroid because you’re passionate and love the tour down memory lane. You are a person who can easily tap on your mental abilities.


People can spot you from a mile away with their gorgeous hair. When it comes to your physical presence, your ascension to Leo zodiac sign can make you quite a showstopper. Couple that with a fabulous nature and a warm, outgoing personality and you are impossible to ignore.

You’re always in the group that declares, “Let’s take a selfie!” And tries about 37 angles until you get it right. There is nothing too much attention for you – you are all about a public moment and probably hit on karaoke. You are incredibly motivated and you probably think you should be a child star (you absolutely must have). You are the friend who is always live on Instagram.


Some people may accuse you of resting bitch face – but you are really just shy and taking it all in. Overthinking is the name of the game and you process information in an analytical way. You can be reserved and not wear your emotions eagerly on your sleeve – instead, you demonstrate your love for someone by doing small things to make your life easier.

When your BFF is going through a terrible breakup, you are the one who sends a food care package and whatever it is you are devastated to remember to buy in a very short time. All of you are also in the area of ​​health and wellness – you can do yoga daily, collect crystals, or be a recipe genius.

Read Also: When to Level Up Your Relationship, According to Your Moon Sign


If you are of Libra zodiac, it takes at least 30 minutes to make you the simplest of the options. You are indecisive – if you and your friends are going out, you will need an extra two hours to decide which shirt you want to wear. You spend a lot of time on your appearance and probably your favorite beauty is YouTuber.

Your personality has a unique charm – you are warmly welcomed, especially because you are not ready to make an immediate decision. You also hate conflict and avoid it at all costs, which can sometimes lead to passive-aggressive behavior. On the other hand, you are excellent at taking care of other people’s struggles.


Turn up the intensity! With a Scorpio Rising, the others naturally feel their power in a room. Whether calm or loud, you definitely make an assumption – and others hold strong opinions about you. You are dedicated and passionate about the people you love and for whom you stand, but you can also be extremely secretive and enjoy your privacy.

You demand respect and for that reason may accidentally scare people. There is a need to be in control with this placement, and you may be interested in the occult (or by reading your horoscope every day).

Read also: Your Zodiac Sign’s Kissing Style, According To Astrology


Always down to a party and always seeing the glass half full, Dhanu Rissing is entertaining and full of posy vibes. You are also likely to vomit – bluntness is an extreme and unavoidable symptom, and sometimes the honesty you feel can be taken very personally. You may need to work on your strategy and delivery.

You may have a desire to travel the world or take many steps in your lifetime – you are probably always planning your next trip and have a strong opinion on suitcase brands. Apart from travel, knowledge and education are never outdated – you are a student in the world, always studying a new language or watching a new documentary.


You may initially come off as a nap – but that’s just because you’re busy making a lot of money. Capricorn rousing are reserved, responsible and serious – but once people know you, they appreciate your dry, sense of humor. You are big on tradition, rules, and structure and you were the most responsible child in high school parties.

Safety is fundamental to earning your trust. Your work is ethical and you speak of providing for your loved ones, especially when you strive for eternity to achieve the most. You have got a detailed 10-year plan, and you will follow it on a T.


We got it. You are peculiar. You are a weirdo. You don’t fit in it and you don’t want to fit in it. Aquarius is like no other unique personality, which rarely conforms or gives away to watch Netflix shows because it is trending on social media. Social justice is a broad view and you find peace within large social groups or organizations. You are intelligent, curious and essentially out of this world.

Your eccentricity only adds to your desire to counter social norms, and your innovative nature makes you the perfect group-project partner. Your friends love the disrespectful way you see them in the world, but people who don’t know you well may think you’re deadlocked or stuck — in fact, you’re kinda reserved until You are not ready to know anyone.


Hello, anyone out there? With Mean Rising, you can get a little busy. You are adaptable and usually have a strong sixth sense. You are a true equal, possess an innate healing power, and feel the pain and beauty that the world presents on a deeper level.

You keep an open mind, so much so that you can take the opinion of others instead of making yours. Mean risings have an artistic nature – they are natural painters, writers, photographers and the like. You can struggle with indecision and escapism, which you should watch. But ultimately, you are the gentlest, most open-minded sign.