Free name matching scoring test

Every couple has a different personality, so the name will naturally be different, but you can see the degree of matching between you from the name, mainly for the strokes and the five element attributes and numerology represented by the name Performing calculations, the results obtained are also relatively accurate, which can help you see the development trend and development direction of the other half in the future, so if you want to know the results, try it out.

Name matching is freeTestScore The principle of

The so-called name matching test scores are all based on Zhouyi’s name study. Names are divided into five categories, such as heaven, place, personality, extraordinary and total. A kind of yin and yang and the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, which leads to the judgment of good and bad, and the scoring of the fate index between lovers. In fact, this method of judgment is still the same as the study of names. We have repeatedly emphasized that the name must be matched with the eight characters in order to play its potential inducing effect. Without the main body of the eight characters, the name will lose its function in measuring fortune and numeracy and completely lose the value of reference fortune.

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How to judge whether two people are suitable from their names

  • After calculating the number of two people’s names, see the final analysis below Oh
  • 1 and 9 are the most harmonious, and 4, 8 can reach a state of harmony, and 6 and 7 are not harmonious;
  • 2 and 8 are the most harmonious, and 7, 9 can reach a state of harmony, and 5 are not harmonious;
  • 3 and 7 are the most harmonious, and 5,6,9 can reach the state of harmony, and 4,8 are not harmonious;
  • 4 and 6 are the most harmonious, and 1,8 can reach the state of harmony, and 3,5 are not harmonious ;

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What’s more accurate besides name matching

marriage fate It should be based on the marriage status of the two people, the trend of marriage fortunes, and the relationship between the gods of jealousy, etc., to judge the approximate results in order to draw valuable conclusions for reference when determining the actual relationship between marriage and love. Of course, there are some fate (Nayin) marriages, zodiac marriages, etc. Although they are more general, you can also see the approximate results after the marriage. If you don’t know the other party’s birth date and cannot perform the marriage, try this The kind of marriage can also provide some basic reference, but it is not a comprehensive reference; as for name matching, the reference value is not very useful as entertainment, and it is not necessary to use it as a reference.