Here’s How Long Each Zodiac Sign Waits To Move In With You

Getting the key to your first shared space with your partner is one of the most exciting moments in a relationship. This is a clear indication that things are serious between you, and this is a trial run for you forever. It is large, so naturally, people will take this step in different stages. And while not all are the same, you can find some information on how long your partner can prepare based on waiting for each zodiac sign.


Signs that are ready to move quickly are those that either always follow their stomachs in life, or for which settling is a major priority. More cautious or slow-down signals will probably require a little more time before packing up your things and moving in with your partner. So, if you have reached the point where you are ready to go with the bae, here is when you can expect them to be on the same page based on their zodiac sign.


Aries (21 March – 19 April)

For Aries people, making big decisions comes down to instinct. Ruled by Mars, a planet associated with passion and aggression, they are not afraid to take the next step in a relationship when they feel right. They also appear to be the first-to-leap type, so if they are happy in the relationship, it does not take them long to prepare for the next step.


Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Taurus does everything on their own time, so this stubborn sign is not going to push them to move at a pace that is beyond their comfort zone. However, Taurus also prioritizes her home life and wants to build a sweet nest with the person she loves. Once they feel secure in the relationship and they take away their finances, they will be ready to live together – especially if a super cute apartment is available.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Don’t expect to get away with Gemini right now, because this sign needs time to become comfortable with the idea. They really value their personal space, so they need to ensure that whoever lives with them can respect their boundaries. Mithun prefers to keep parts of himself private and slowly starts opening up, so before you let them see you from all sides.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer can be slow to open initially, but if you are already in a committed relationship, you will not have to wait long to get them ready to move on. Once a canker is committed, they are involved in it for the long haul. All of this water hints about emotional connection and stability, so don’t be too surprised when they announce that they have started apartment hunting.

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Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Due to a healthy amount of confidence and optimism, Leo knows his heart better than any other sign. Although they may not be the first to suggest living together, they are probably not the first to panic. If they are not ready to move immediately, be assured that they will be soon.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

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When Virgo is ready to walk together, they will tell you. This earth sign does not like to feel rushed, but they are extremely organized and alert. Chances are, they are thinking about the right time to move together since the relationship is defined. They just need some time to save and plan accordingly. Virgo does everything on its own time, so do not rush this process.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Libra is all about balance, so the idea of ​​being with someone they are so ideal about. Also, his connection to the planet Venus, which is associated with love and beauty, means that this romantic sign gets excited at the prospect of building a house with someone. A new place means a housewife party, and is ready to host this social icon for friends and family.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

As a sign of Scorpio’s slow pace to people and water, they are particularly vulnerable and emotional. But once they take a leap of faith and commit to a relationship, they are ready to move in relatively quickly. After all, you’ve probably been sleeping in each other’s houses every night for months.

Also Read: Love Astrology- How to get over a Breakup?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)

Despite Dhanu’s side-by-side attitude towards most things in life, he is very slow and cautious when it comes to commitment. They take their time because they want to make sure their partner has the freedom and space they need for non-negotiation. If they believe in him, they may start thinking about settling down, but are only going to take a while. Do not hold your breath.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Capricorn has the most traditional sign, so they take commitment very seriously and do not play the game. This can mean that they are ready to go quickly and start their lives together, or want to wait a while to make sure that this is a lifelong commitment before putting in the effort and expense . The hat will tell you when they will be ready. In the meantime, give them space and don’t rush them.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is unique and unpredictable. They do things in their own way and at their own pace. Most of the time, this highly independent sign is happy single. They enjoy their own company and have a lot of interests to keep. It may be a while before they are ready to move together. But because they are so bizarre and spontaneous, they can even surprise you and tell you that they are ready to move on any day. If you are in a relationship with Aquarius, expect the unexpected.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

The piece, the most romantic sign in the zodiac, has been designed to move in since their first kiss. This signature is a belief in fate and true love. They are ready to be swept off their feet and find their forever connection. They are not loose, so they did not cohabit forcefully, but when the subject comes, they will be ready for the move.