How To Attract A Sagittarius Woman?

How To Attract A Sagittarius Woman?( Dhanu raashi ke mahila ko kaise aakarshit karen)

The number one rule for attracting a Sagittarius woman is to form her smile – and by this we mean a rip-roaring, rumbustious belly laugh, not just a polite little giggle. Ruled by Jupiter, the god of mirth and jollity, Sagittarius is renowned for its exuberant, somewhat irreverent sense of humor. Women born under this sign are primarily trying to find a companion who’s in tune with their jokey approach to life. They’re turned off by people who are constantly moaning about all their problems and fretting about the terrible state of the world. To boost your chances of seducing a Sagittarius girl, it’s important to remain positive and cheerful and keep a smile on your face in the least times. She’ll love it if you’re a bit playful when you’re around her and aren’t afraid to tease her a little in a good-natured way.

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, The Sagittarius woman is blunt, adventurous, enthusiastic, and chirpy. Courting a Sagittarius woman is a whirlwind of fun and flair. It can also be quite frustrating to the suitor who isn’t well-versed in the Sagittarius nature. She is courageous and ready to conquer the world and explore every inch of the globe. She can be tired and confusing if you don’t know what you’re in for. If you take the time to understand and thank the qualities of the Sagittarius woman, you’ll stand a much better chance of capturing her heart.

HOW TO SEDUCE A SAGITTARIUS WOMAN: 5 EASY TIPS TO FOLLOW (Dhanu rashi mahila ko kaise aakarshit karne ke tarike.)

The Sagittarius woman loves adventure and new things. She is on the lookout for a man, who is adventurous, kind, intelligent, and ready to experience the new in everything. To attract this woman and hold onto her, you would like to be able to walk together with her , wherever she goes.

She is flexible as a devotee and as a lover. You will enjoy every day spent with her to the maximum. To win her heart, follow these quick tips:

Romance (Pyaar) 

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, As a fire sign, she is dedicated and loves to be romanced. Go all the way once you romance this woman; just make sure you roll in the hay with style and exotic stuff. She will greatly appreciate creativity, humor, and sentimentality. Use all three to score big.

Travel (Shair)

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, Call her out for a trip to a new place, find a unique eco-excursion, take her to a corner in a new park, etc. This woman loves adventure of any type, especially if it involves outgoing. She cannot resist an invitation to go somewhere, and if it turns out to be worth the trouble, she will be hooked.

Flirt romantically (Pyar se chedkani)

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, Flirt with her openly and with fun. Let everyone know you are very attracted to this woman. The Sagittarius woman loves a man who leads, but does not impose. She likes to be called “my girl”, but not feel owned. Flirt like she is that the last woman on earth, and she or he will soon be yours.

Humor (Hasya)

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, she loves laughter. She makes others laugh, as she is witty and fun to have around. She is hugely attracted to a man who can laugh at himself. She has a great sense of humor and appreciates it in others.

The Sagittarius woman makes a vivacious and dependable companion. She is great in bed and great out of it. She is loyal, dependable, and will make every day of your life a new adventure.

Be mysterious (Rahasmay rahe)

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, Give her a reason to pry just a little. Don’t come off like an open book. Sagittarian women are thrilled by the idea that they can chase a guy who’s captured their attention. Give details about yourself little by little. And don’t worry; because relationships always involve a little uncovering, she will never run out of things to find out about you.

Give her time (Unko thoda samaye de)

To Attract A Sagittarius Woman, Don’t jump in with the usual bouquet of flowers, chocolates, and hearts. Don’t introduce her to your parents after only a week of dating. Instead, focus on deepening your relationship by being together and enjoying the things you both love to do. Eventually, you’ll both approach a time to consider ringing the bells.

WHAT DOES A SAGITTARIUS WOMAN NOT LIKE IN A MAN? (Dhanu raashi ke mahilaye kya nahi pasand karte?)

The Sagittarius woman is interested in a person , who is bold and intelligent, at an equivalent time. She bores easily, so the man who wants to win her should be able to hold an intelligent conversation. There are a few things that put her off:

Self-centered (Aatm kendrit)

she is looking for a buddy, a companion with whom she can share anything under the sun. She will not tolerate any man, who is only focused on himself. She finds selfish and self-centered people boring and repellant. She will move away and avoid anyone who displays these traits.

Easy to anger (Krodh na kare)

The Sagittarius woman does not handle quick temper. She has no patience for boorish people. If she finds anyone, who loses his cool quickly or is rude or a bully, she will move away

Closed mind (Bada soche)

This woman is welcome to all ideas and viewpoints. She is fascinated by everything and everyone. She knows there is no  “right” and “wrong” but a blend of both. She cannot be friends with anyone who haws fixed ideas and a closed mind. She looks for someone who is always ready to learn, change, and accept new things.

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