How To Help Your Relationship Survive Quarantine, Based On Your Partner’s Sign

Lockdown can be an opportunity to connect on a deeper level!

Remember when you were really eager to spend a weekend at home with your partner? No? Okay, you can do this by being in quarantine for three months. It is easy to love and appreciate someone when you are not stuck with them all day, every day, at home.


But no matter how many lockdowns you are getting, it does not have to negatively affect your relationship. In fact, your partner’s zodiac may be able to provide you with the necessary insights to help your relationship survive the quarantine.


“We can all focus on the fact that 2020 has been a wild year that has taken many of us on quite a rollercoaster, and many of us have tested on a personal level,” Astrologer Says. “If you have been separated from your significant other since the first half of the year, this alone can drastically change the pace of your relationship.”

This is especially true for zodiac signs that value their independence and are used to spending so much time at home with their partner. A fire sign, such as Aries or Sagittarius, or an aerial sign like Gemini or Aquarius, requires more space and freedom in the way that they show right now in their relationship.

For example, they may be more moody, irritable, or distant, and this will affect their relationship throughout the lockdown. If you know your partner’s zodiac, you can find out what you can do to help keep your relationship alive.


Aries (21 March – 19 April)

To keep your Aries people happy, just respect their freedom and the need for excitement and adventure. According to Samadhi, Aries is a sign of self, but also a sign of action. They need to be self-starters, self-motivated and able to make their own decisions.

“If you’re quarantining with an Aries sign, make sure you’re not sitting at home with them and watching movies all day,” she says. “Set up a home gym and offer to work with them, but also respect their alone time.”

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Grab snacks and remotes as it is time for a cuddle session. According to Samadhi, Taurus is a sign of our senses. They value anything that makes their senses swoon or elevate them. “Quarantine is a great opportunity to gush with your Taurus and catch some of your favorite shows,” she says.

When you are stuck at home, it is also important to take care of their stubborn nature and the need for stability. If your Taurus is stressed or is losing a sense of stability due to COVID-19, be helpful.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

The time has come to find your favorite podcasts and YouTube channels with your Gemini sign. Mercury-ruled Gemini is a sign of communication and learning. According to Samadhi, Gemini likes to get new information and discuss what they have learned with their loved ones.

Quarantine is a great opportunity to deepen his intellectual ties with him. Talk about your likes and dislikes, and be open-minded to hear things from their point of view. Samadhi says, “Gemini also requires some form of understanding in their lives, so changing their routines indoors will also be very helpful.”

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Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer is a water sign that depends on their feelings. Therefore, it is important to not only be consistent with your feelings, but also to appreciate your cancer partner’s feelings. “Knowing that they may be more sensitive during this will significantly help your relationship,” Samadhi says.

Cancers also like to stay at home and truly enjoy creating a warm place for their loved ones. Letting them know how much you care for them will make them happy.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Leo is the symbol of the inner child, the heart, and that brings us joy into life. So, during quarantine, embrace your inner child honoring them. “Think what made you happy when you were a child,” says Samadhi. “Be sure to have fun while living with your Leo zodiac sign.

This is not the time to take life seriously.” If they ask you to join a silly social media challenge, then just go with it. While they love to receive great praise from others, they serve to bring a smile to other people’s faces. Chances are, they just want to see you loose and have fun.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

To help your relationship avoid quarantine, understand that your daughter may be a little more anxious and stressed. According to Samadhi, Virgo is a sign of our nerves. If your daughter has concerns about an epidemic, their health, or money, stay for them.

Listen to their concerns, validate them, and ask for advice. Girl is also a symbol of planning and organization, so it is also a good time to make a post-quarantine plan. This can act as a good distraction.

Also Read: Surprising Facts About Each Of The Zodiac Signs

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Venus-ruled Libra signifies relationships and partnerships. They are represented by scales, so they require balance and harmony within their lives. If you belong to Libra, make sure to honor their desire for peace and harmony within your relationship.

According to Samadhi, quarantine is not the time to take quarrels with them. “If you have a disagreement with your partner, try to see things from their point of view,” she says. Later, talk about what you should do to bring peace to the relationship again. They will be more than willing to compromise.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Scorpio is a sign of intimacy, so quarantine is the perfect time to form a deeper bond with your partner. “You can take it straight to the bedroom, but at the same time create emotional intimacy with them,” Samadhi says. To keep your relationship with your Scorpio zodiac in a good place, don’t be afraid to spice things up in the bedroom and have a deeper conversation than before.

Scorpios like to know everything there is to know about his partner. Sharing some secrets can actually help them feel more connected with you.

Sagittarius(22 November – 21 December)

Furious Sagittarius is adventure. If you are quarantine with one, it is important to be creative and instill a sense of ease within your relationship. According to Samadhi, afternoon walks and doing outdoor things can help calm their restless energy.

Sagittarius also appreciates deep mental stimulation, so use quarantine as an opportunity to have a deeper philosophical conversation with your partner. If you are completely busy and have an open mind, you can find a new side to your mindless, fun-filled sag.

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Capricorn is known for its ambitious nature, so understand the fact that your partner is probably working hard to complete a project during the quarantine. If they’re busy, don’t push them to hang out and watch a movie, even if they need a break. According to Samadhi, Capricorn is a sign of long-term goals and longevity.

Therefore, discuss with them your goals for the future. For example, where do you see your relationship in the next five to 10 years? Capricorn is an earth sign that values ​​stability and will appreciate you knowing that you see them as part of your future.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

It is important to respect the uniqueness and independence of this aerial sign. “Kumbha needs to know that their intelligence is not threatened,” says Samadhi. If you are associated with an Aquarius, make sure that you are allowing them to be on their own without any restrictions.

May not be the most affectionate or emotionally expressed among Aquarius people. But since they are a sure sign, they will always be loyal to you, as long as they are free to express themselves and do whatever they want.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Pisces is a symbol of dreams, fantasies and spirituality. According to Samadhi, quarantine can be an opportunity to discuss his biggest dreams for himself and his relationships. This is the perfect time to check in, and see if the two of you are still on the same page.

If you are, you can find ways to get closer to reaching your relationship goals. The quarantine can also allow you to have a deeper spiritual connection with your Pisces. So, don’t be afraid to open up and be vulnerable, really listen to your partner, and have a conversation you wouldn’t normally do.