Sleeping Correctly According to Vedas

There are mysteries in our Vedas, which are so effective, that if known and followed, can change our lives for good, they also teach us how to sleep correctly, we can do it in less than 24 hours. Sleep in bed for at least 8 hours. Therefore, it is important to know what to do before sleeping because this is where our future rests.


It is said that a yogi (holy people) used to sleep and normal people or people with breathing disorder should sleep on their left side, it is also mentioned in the Vedas that there is damage to the eyes while sleeping.

It is also suggested to do Vajrasana after having food for a good sleep, then do Bhramari Pranayama and finally sleep while doing Shavasana.

What's The Deal With 'Clean Sleeping'? | HuffPost Life

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Astrology and Sleep

It is highly recommended to burn Karpoor every day before bedtime, the person doing this will get very good sleep, as well as all kinds of stress, will be eliminated. Kapoor has many other benefits.

Before bed, think about the things you want in life. Just don’t think about negative things, because until 10 minutes before bedtime, it’s a very sensitive time, plus your subconscious mind starts waking up, 15 minutes after you wake up, thus getting up with positive energy Is very sensitive. During this time whatever you think starts happening in real.


If you are going to sleep then also decide in which direction your feet are. Never set foot in the south and east. Do not set foot in the direction of the door. This leads to loss of health and prosperity. Sleeping by keeping the heat in the east direction increases knowledge. Sleeping with head in the south brings peace, health, and prosperity.

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Drinking water and washing feet before going to bed also brings good luck and controls your chakras. The bed on which we stay for 6 to 8 hours, if it is of our choice, then all the pain of the body disappears. The fatigue of the day will come down. Therefore, the bed should be beautiful, soft and comfortable, but also strong. The color of the sheet and pillow should also be such that it brings comfort to our eyes and mind.


Tips on What Should You do Before Sleep

  • One should not sleep on another’s bed, on a broken bed, and in a dirty house.
  • Dinner should be eaten 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Dinner should be light and satvic.
  • Meditate on your God once before going to sleep and then pray and sleep.
  • If we follow these simple steps, we can really increase our brightness and shine our luck by sleeping.