How You Handle A One Night Stand (According To Your Zodiac)

Will you hook up or pass on the opportunity?

A one night stand can be a lot of fun. There is no hope for the night, you are not expected to spend a lot of money on someone that they want to have sex with, and if something terrible happens, you have to see that person again (I think everyone) Fellow Aquarians would agree with me that it makes it very sweet).

What else do you want, right?

Some zodiac signs are less likely than others for an accidental hook up, while others will have a long-term, meaningful relationship. Whatever your sign, you’ll probably have a one-night stand at least once in your life (if you haven’t already).


There are many ways by which you can complete a one night stand. Maybe you were at a party and that third shot gave you the liquid courage you wanted for the night. Maybe that cute guy in the library was reading your favorite book and you wanted to show him your sexy librarian costume.

Either way you do it, a one night stand can be anywhere and very comfortable as well.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Aries is always looking for someone who matches their dynamic, who may be looking for a serious relationship for them. She loves to have fun and it usually won’t slow down for anyone; A night stay is another thing people of Aries love to open.

The day after a one night stand is like every other day for an Aries sign. With such a dependable performance, Aries people will not regret their fun night, nor will he make any big talk about it the next day. As long as you are no different from everyone else, having Aries sexual intercourse, chances are good that he will not pay attention to you.

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

Taurus are all about romance, but it is possible for them to separate love and lust. They have an inherent need for touch, so sometimes they only want to spend time to have fun with someone for one night.

Depending on the type of relationship she has with one night stand of Taurus, she will either stop, so that she can ask you to see her again or she will leave before you wake up; Until that time whatever is really needed a Taurus, chalk it up.

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GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

Gemini is a social creature and can be very attractive. She loves spending time with people and is incredibly affectionate, so she is often open to One Night Stand.

Mithun hates being alone, so he likes the idea of ​​having some human touch, even if only for the night. She may not always stay the night (or let you stay with her), but rest assured that she enjoyed the night a lot. However, a one-night stand can be very inconsistent, so don’t expect Gemini to stick around for very long.

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer is one of the more emotional signals and works best in relationships that are built on a strong foundation. She can become very attached to the people around her, making it difficult for her to have a one-night stand. She takes time to hook up instead of spending a lot of time getting to know someone.

While the cancer may want to try to stand up once or twice a night, it may not be as much as other symptoms. Cancer will work for a meaningful relationship rather than being subjected to embarrassment (or insecurity) after a one-night stand.

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LEO (23 July – 22 August)

Leo is an effective and charismatic personality, which makes him hard to resist. She loves to have a good time and will be excited to try something new like a one night stand. Leo is also very emotional and warm-hearted, and will do something to remember one night.

With a good sense of humor, Leo knows when the situation is serious and when they are only about entertainment. Leo has a good ability to separate emotions from a one-night stand because she knows that it is an accidental glow, not really serious.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

Virgo is very hardworking and often forgets to take a break and rest. She likes her relationships to be as serious as possible, which can make the idea of ​​one night somewhat inappropriate for her.

If he is willing to give it a try, a one-night stand may not be very fun for a damsel. She can get very stuck in her head and realize too late that she is not having much fun. If she has a night out before she wakes up, Kanye can blame herself for not having enough fun (even if it doesn’t happen at all).

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LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

One night stands are great for Libra zodiac for many reasons. Libra loves spending time with friends of the zodiac and meeting new people. She wishes that for anyone who has a good time with her, a Libra zodiac can be almost anything.

Libra is not always good about confronting others about their feelings or telling someone that they did not have a good time with you, so a one-night stand is a good way to have a Libra sign about you Have fun without worrying. They are drama-free and easy for a Libra.

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

Scorpio is all about passion, which makes a night with them exciting and unforgettable. She loves to have fun and to have fun without strings is music to a Scorpio’s ears. He is not always the best at opening up to new people, so the fewer complications there are, the better.

Scorpio is very vocal, meaning that if he is interested in you, chances are he has already told you. A night stand is perfect for a Scorpio because he can hook up with someone new, and still be mysterious and intriguing.

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SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 19 December)

Dhanu thrives in his curiosity and as an extrovert, it is easy for him to try new things. She mostly wants a relationship with freedom and taking a one-night stand is like realizing all the benefits of a relationship as if she is tied up with someone.

A Dhanu’s ideal relationship may be right for him so that if he meets in the meantime, he can view casual sex as a way to find the right person. Depending on the type of person, a Sagittarius may love a night stand or try it only once to arouse their curiosity.

CAPRICORN (20 December – 19 January)

Capricorn is very traditional, meaning that they are more likely to choose serious relationships over casual one night stands. He can actually weigh the pros and cons of a casual hook before going with it, but chances are he won’t have the most expectations for it.

Capricorn wants to be in a relationship where fun and romance comes together effortlessly. It is possible that she would think that One Night Stand expects too much and in the end she will not get as much fun as she expected.

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AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius people enjoy it and are always ready to try new things. Standing one night is perfect for this sign as she is in no hurry to join anyone, she cannot break it whenever she wants. The One Night Stand is a complete combination of freedom and no-strings-attached fun that Aquarius loves.

One Night Stand will appear for those in Aquarius: it is an accidental encounter that turns into nothing more. Chances are, when she finishes she will come in first place. If she is having fun with you, she may be ready to hook up again, but you don’t have to call her first to hold your breath for Aquarius.

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

Pisces people are romantic and like to be with people who actually meet them. She thinks of relationships as both physical and emotional, which one-night stands usually do not have. This does not mean that a Pisces casual will not be open to the ideal of sex, but she may be more interested in a real relationship on something that will not last.

When a Pisces agrees to a one-night stand, she would like it to be both fun and special. It can only be one night, but when you hook up with a Pisces, you won’t forget it.