Which Field Is Better For Your Career? Know Through Palmistry – Astrologer Explains.

Many small and big rivers go in the vast ocean of astrology. Maritime science is one of those rivers. Under this, you can get information about your whole life by studying our palmistry. It is believed that various aspects of life can be considered according to the lines, mountains, signs, nails, thumbs, and fingers in the palm.

Not only this, in which area the person will be interested and in which area he has the ability to perform better, palm lines also give information about it. Let us know how we can choose the direction of our career with palmistry. Or palm lines indicate in which direction to make a career.

Palm reading for beginners: What are the palmistry lines? How to read your palm | Express.co.uk

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Career In Education

Those who have a clear and deep brain line in their palm, as well as luck and sun line, are also present in the palm, then their chances of making their career in the field of education are strong.

If along with all this, Guru Parvat has emerged in the palm, then just to say whether such a person can try to become a teacher, there is every chance of getting success.


Medical Career

Those who are willing to make a career in the field of medicine have to work hard, but if the mountain of Mercury appears in their palm, it is clearly embossed and three-four steep lines are also in it, luck in making a career in this field.

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He also supports them. However, the junior finger touching the third festival of the ring finger is also seen in it. If along with all these, the rise in Mars is also visible, then your chances of becoming a surgeon become quite strong. Surya Rekha’s clarity can also bring you fame as a doctor.

A career in the field of engineering

If the Saturn mountain is embossed in the palm and there are many vertical lines in it, then such a person can find a career in the field of engineering but engineering, but along the lines and lines in the Shani mountain, this line of fate from this mountain Meeting also creates the necessary possibilities for this.


Career in Industry

Generally, the thumb in the palm is easily at an angle of 90, but if the angle is greater than those whose thumb makes the thumb and whose junior finger is longer than normal and the brain line is clear, then such a person can do his business Can be interested.

Along with them, if Mercury, Sun, and Mount Saturn are also bored, then such people are also successful in setting up a big industry.

A career in Administrative Services

If your junior finger touches the third tip of the ring finger or goes beyond it and the sun line is deep and the sun mountain is embossed, otherwise the triangle, quadrilateral, constellation, etc. are present on the sun mountain, then such a person can be considered as a high ranking officer in administrative services.

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I can see my career in If a line is coming out of the mountain of Mars or the lifeline, touching the Mount of Sun, then such people can also become high officials.

Career in politics

If there is a circle or quadrilateral on the sun line in your palm, where one of the branches meets Mars mountain and the other brain line, then such people have great chances of success in the field of politics.

Career in acting

If the fingers in the palm of the fingers appear soft and sloping and the length of the ring finger is not too much, as well as the Sun and Venus mountains are visible and the Sun and the fate line are flawless, then such people make headlines in the field of acting, gain popularity We do.