Good Luck Charms for Love And Relationships

Does your ruling number affect your love life? the answer is yes! Depending on your ruling number, you can know what is best for you according to numerology and what you should avoid for a fabulous love life! The most powerful good luck charms are mentioned as follows.

Love and good relationship (Pyaar Aur Achchha Rishta)

Happy home means good relationships. These items that bring good luck in the house can help in maintaining your relationships. Place any of these in the southwest area of ​​your home or bedroom so that the love will continue to grow. If you are looking for a spouse, it brings good luck in love and relationships that help you attract true love.


Mandarin Duckling: Place a pair of statues in your bedroom or pictures of two ducks on your bedroom wall.

Red Lantern: Marshall suspends red lanterns around your bed to bring good luck and longevity, especially if you are newly married.

Peony: This flower promises the longevity of your wedding. Use a photo, painting, or ceramic peony in your bedroom to activate.

Rose Quartz: Wear rose quartz or place in your bedroom for love and passion.

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How Feng Shui Can Enjoy Your Love (Kaise Phengashuee Aapake Pyaar Ka Aanand Le Sakate Hain)

Just as the air that blows through the branches of a tree and breathes on every leaf, similarly the energy from the universe also flows through our lives and the places we create. Feng shui is the method through which the environment around you is equipped and aids the flow of positive energy called chi in your life. Everything in your home has its own kind of energy, often not positive, and this energy affects the things happening in your life or the good and bad effects you attract. By keeping your location and surroundings cluttered and placing some objects in some places, you can increase the flow of positive energy in your life.


The master of Feng Shui not only receives advice and knowledge on using positive energy in your professional life but also in your love life.

Start by cleaning your bedroom. Clutter creates confusion and chaos and makes it impossible for positive energy to flow freely. Throw out all those small statues and ornaments you had since childhood and can hardly remember who they were. They are only hindering energy flow. Create clear open spaces to fill you with fresh new, positive energy. (More suggestions on Feng Shui bedroom.)

For the romance of pigs and potential suitors to knock on your door, you need to provide space for the other person. You need to make room for someone else who will be a part of your life. Clean a pair of drawers and hang some empty hangers in your closet. If your life and environment are full of only your things, then there can never be room for anyone else. Leave a place in your bookcase for a potential partner’s books, an extra toothbrush in your bathroom, or his or her towel. Try to balance your surroundings between masculine yang chi and feminine yin chi. When all of that is complete, stand back, and visualize your future partner in space with you. Use a wishful jewel (pink) for recognition and love 120 mm to help you focus.


Bring Feng Shui color to your room. This is the place in which you are going to spend a lot of romantic hours. You need to fill it with the colors of romance and love. Attract a gentle loving partner with gentle pink, coral, and salmon colors or a more passionate lover with bold red, burgundy, and crimson colors if you are after the adventure. More on Feng Shui color.

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Avoid doing any type of physical exercise in your bedroom. This is not the place to drain energy and work out. Your relationship may be harmed and you may constantly feel as if you are working hard to maintain the relationship. Store all your exercise equipment outside of your home and out of the bedroom.

Remove anything in your room or improvised environment that relates to a single person. Whether it is a painting or an idol or an idol, no matter how beautiful they are, they are subconsciously blocking your way of loving. The power of the subconscious mind is extraordinary, so remove those lonely figures and replace them with Feng Shui love symbols or romantic portraits of the couple in love, a pair of carpets, a pair of Mandarin ducks, or a double happiness symbol. This will make you more receptive to finding your true love.

Past relationships are really the same – past. They are not in the future and a relationship that did not work out does not need to remind you all. Remove old love letters, gifts, cards, and photos of past relationships, no matter how many years ago or how well you ran away. It is not a feeling to create positive energy and help you find love in your life.

Do not know your rule number, find out immediately! (Apna Naam Number Nahi Jante)

Ruling number 1-

A very popular lucky charms are the red candles! Red, the color of love will bring you luck and it can also bring the love of your life!

Ruling Number 2-

A pair of red roses will serve as a lucky charms! Let its magic bring you the love you are looking for! Keep red roses around your bed for increased luck.

Rule number 3-

Blue and Green are lucky for you. When you go out on a date, hang a blue or green color on your wall or wear something blue.

Ruling Number 4-

Trouble finding love? Try wearing a red or brown wristband, watch or bangle. These accessories will definitely serve as a great love charm!

Love Locks - Columbia Metropolitan Magazine

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Rule number 5-

A heart-shaped pendant in silver would serve as a great love charm! It will help attract love and passion and bring someone into your life!

Rule number 6-

Hang a picture of a happy couple on your bedroom wall! Anything in a pair serves as a great love attraction. This photo can also be of your favorite celebrity couple!

Ruling number 7-

In the southwest area of ​​your house vases and pots with flowers act as a great love charm. Red flowers will bring added luck and positive energy!

Rule number 8-

A pair of birds act as a good love charm and bring luck and love to you! You will find love and will also be able to attract someone.

Ruling number 9-

Put two pillows on your bed to attract love into your life! Your love life will improve and you will find love sooner than expected. A pair of pillows will definitely act as a charm.