Pisces Man In Love: Sex, Relationship And Family (Meen Raashi Purush Aur Pyaar)

PISCES MAN: Love and Sex (Meen Raashi Purush : Pyaar aur Sambhog)

A Pisces person in love will give his whole self to him, snapping his partner in a dance of two souls merging into one. Her aim is to achieve complete harmony and unity, with no difference where her identity ends and her partner begins. It can be drunk with a fellow romantic feeling but is completely overwhelming for those who want to date more carelessly.

Due to this disparity, Pisces men often get hurt and can wear their wounded hearts on their sleeves. It is easy for them to feel like a victim when their deepest emotions do not match, or when their partner suddenly wakes up with a consuming spell of eccentricity, they realize that they did not go home in a week And all their home plants were dead. Swimming within their throats and getting lost in their kisses – it’s nice to spend all night and day in bed with your Pisces.

This is what they most desire, you forget that the outside world exists, and to love yourself and to give a vision of indivisibility. When they lose themselves in love or dissolve into a pit of tears after a big heartbreak, Pisces men can turn to drugs or alcohol to escape their intense emotions or numb their pain.

Casual drinking or drug use may seem fun or innocent enough at first, but be on the lookout for psychedelic daydreamers who don’t look cool for any aspect of day-to-day life. Often the pleasant other plotlines of his substance-stimulated fantasies are much more appealing to him than the humble sadness of the boring old reality.
Passionate, well-mannered and well-charmed, this magical man is easy to fall in love with.

PISCES MAN: Relationship (Meen Raashi Purush : Rishtey)
In a relationship, the person of Pisces will be devoted to it, until he feels emotions. Their relationship does not last very long until his partner accepts his romantic impulse and he finds a way to build a stable foundation to finalize their relationship. He will not be very reliable and agreements with him may change on an hourly basis. It can be annoying or exciting, but the only possible way to deal with it is to be comfortable and choose the direction, however chaotic it may seem.

PISCES MAN: Home and Family (Meen Raashi Purush : Ghar Parivar)

The house of a Pisces person often feels like a magical realm, a marvelous cave, far away from the murky settings of other houses around. It may look unnatural from the outside, but once within its domain, be prepared to dazzle.
Pisces people often prefer aquariums or terrariums to be filled with rare fish, frogs or unusual plant life. They can grow orchids or simply enjoy plants and animals around them. There is artwork everywhere, usually made by him or dear friends that he loves to support. There is a sacred atmosphere in his place, and a hush in the air that calls for a sense of reverence. You can instinctively take off your shoes when you enter, whether or not he insists on it – or feels awkward about using his cellphone.

Many Pisces men are extremely sensitive to sound and light pollution, and will often demolish their homes or eject natural light from windows, more like the feeling of being in an angular womb like a orbiting away from the normal world. Will lend You can lose track of time and forget that there is also a beautiful outside world created by it.
Some Pisces people also take safety by installing water filters to get rid of polluting forces, pollution and fluoride, or to prevent Wi-Fi transmission. Before you accuse them of wearing a tinfoil hat, remember that a Pisces person will pick up things that other people don’t know, so if it works for him, don’t knock him out.
The father of Pisces makes a wonderful, gentle father, who is very obedient and does not do much to discipline his children or set clear boundaries or rules.