Red Quartz- Benefits And Correct Method Of Wearing

Laal sphatik ratn- jyotisheey laabh aur pahanane ka sahee tareeka

The name Quartz comes from the Greek crystalline language, which means ice. Red quartz is vibrant quartz with incorporation of rutile. It is probably one of the most famous gems. Apart from its greed, Red Quartz’s healing ability makes it the most important of all 9 gems.


In large measure, this stone is popularly known as Love Stone. The red quartz stone is a strong booster of enthusiasm. You can always wear it to your partner. It increases the grace of your love. Significantly, it transmits the energy of Venus, the planet of beauty and love.


Venus, in Vedic astrology, signifies worship, aesthetics. Additionally, it controls life aspects such as marital life, beauty, romance, sex and pleasure. It is a planet of happiness and comfort. A good relationship, satisfactory financial status, good fragrance, flowers, and comfort signifies strong Venus in your horoscope. On the other hand, aggression, lack of sensitivity, obscenity, unhappy relationships and delayed marriage are signs of a weak Venus in your horoscope.


If a person has a weak Venus, they can wear red quartz to empower it and provide the positivity of Venus in their life. Red quartz is a gem that attracts both inner peace and beauty. The stone calms the inner gloom and adds joy and excitement to life. There are many more benefits of wearing red quartz. You can read them below-

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Benefits of Wearing Red Quartz (Laal sphatik ratn dhaaran karane ke laabh)

  • Red is a symbol of energy. The color of the gem signifies strength and vitality. It affects the same in your life.
  • The Best Astrologers of India suggest couples to wear red quartz. It not only loves each other but also flows energy.
  • Thus, you can find it extremely helpful in issues like desire disorder, sexual arousal disorder, pain disorder. Also, it is an ideal gem for women with pregnancy issues.
  • It is extremely helpful in calming anxiety, tension, nervousness and nervousness. This gem can be highly efficient, especially for people with ADHD and ADD problems.
  • It helps in maintaining emotional balance. During stressful days, it can be very helpful to keep you calm.
  • In addition to its healing properties, it can be efficient in concentration issues. This increases focus capacity.
  • In addition, it helps to increase the clarity of your emotions. Also, it helps you make a better sense. With the help of this stone, you can achieve flexibility and harmony.
  • Quartz is extremely helpful in attracting optimism.
  • A weak Venus attracts low self-esteem and self-expression. By wearing red quartz, you can increase your self-worth and confidence. It balances your Manipur Chakra.
  • According to medical astrology, this stone stimulates healing of diseases. In addition, it relieves pain and boosts the immune system. To a large extent, it is helpful in treating diseases related to blood. Additionally, it increases liver and kidney function.
  • By keeping this gem in the room where a patient brings physical strength to fight the disease.

Red Quartz- Benefits and Correct Method of Wearing

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Correct Method of Wearing Red Quartz (Laal sphatik ratn pahanne ka sahi tarika)

There are tremendous benefits of offering this gem. However, this is only possible when you wear it correctly. First of all, you have to wear a stone directly on your skin. To attract the maximum benefits of your energy and vibration, it needs to be directly in contact with your skin. If you can, simply attach the stone to the ring, pendant lock, earring, or you can also keep it in your bag or purse. This is the best way to keep quart every day with you forever. All these promote great results.

Mantra for Venus-

Om Shum Shukraya Namah