Remedies to Fix Extra Marital Affairs In Astrology

Extramarital affairs are one of the most common issues and matters of discussion at the present time. Details about secret extramarital affairs can be found through astrology and astrological remedies for extra marital problems action can also be taken for this.

There may be many reasons behind a person’s involvement in a secret love affair, but if it is identified through astrological remedies for extra marital problems, it can help save your marriage and relationship. The rising power of the kalyuga arena and the dominance of Rahu can be considered as the two major reasons behind extramarital affairs in astrology.


Planets and stars are responsible for extramarital affairs (grah aur sitaare vivaahetar sambandhon ke lie jimmedaar hain)

The position and placement of stars and planets play an important role in determining the reason behind the existence of an extramarital affair and the way it can be overcome.

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There are many astrological remedies for extra marital problems reasons associated with the involvement of individuals in occult love affairs as there is a powerful connection between occult and illicit association with astrological bodies.


The following are some of the planets that are responsible for a person being in an extramarital affair.

  • Mars (Mangal): Mars is considered the planet that controls and controls sexual expression.
  • Venus (Shukr): The planet symbolizes a person’s emotional connection, love and marriage. It is responsible for love and is also considered the driver of foreign relationships. If Venus is conjunct with Mars, a person is highly likely to engage in a secret love affair. If the conjunction is between Uranus and Venus then there are cases mainly to satisfy sexual obsession.
  • Rahu (Rahu): Rahu planet is considered to be responsible for extreme levels of emotional and mental tendencies that can lead to participation in extramarital affairs. If Rahu is present in the 7th house, it signifies that the woman will be responsible for bringing the family into disrepute.
  • Jupiter (Bruhaspati): The planet signifies the marriage of a woman. It is a symbol of goodness and religion. But unlike other planets, Jupiter helps a person to flirt or engage in any type of affairs. But if Jupiter’s magnetic and astronomical powers are weak, the person may have an extramarital affair.
    Astrological remedy for extramarital affair

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The existence of extramarital and clandestine love affairs in a relationship can weaken the bond between the couple and have consequences leading to divorce, separation and many other complications and issues in marital alliance. According to astrological remedies for extra marital problems, there are some astrological remedies for extra marital problems says that you can use to get rid of your partner’s love affairs.


Following are some astrological remedies that may work for you and help you in improving your relationship: (vivaahetar sambandhon ke lie jyotisheey upaay)

  • You can practice this astrological remedy on Sunday night. It is a simple astrological remedy that involves the use of kumkum. You need to spread kumkum towards the bed where your husband sleeps. The next morning, you need to collect that kumkum and apply it to your hair parting where you usually apply it by reciting the name of Goddess Parvati.
  • The next astrological remedy is also to be done only during the night. You burn a camphor cube in the bedroom area. There is no fixed day to practice these astrological remedies for extra marital problems, but make sure that whenever you are using this astrological remedies for extra marital problems, you must have extreme devotion and faith. This will help you get rid of your partner’s secret relationship.
  • The next corrective action you can perform is to take the name of the person you think or know is in a love affair with your spouse. You should take some lotus seeds (Makhana) and write the letters of the person’s name on those seeds. After writing the full name, you will have to burn the seeds of the makhana written by those names until it is completely transformed into ashes. This can help your husband form a relationship with that person and come out of the extramarital affair.