Remedies For Planet Sun, Malefic Or Benefic Planet Sun

Surya graha ke jyotish upay

When the Sun planet is in a weak state in the astrological chart, some remedies for sun in astrology of the solar eclipse should be followed to minimize the negative effects of the Sun or the Sun. There are some characteristics which are associated with beneficial sun like energy, health, happiness, confidence, opportunity etc. So the native benefits Sun enjoy all these characteristics in one’s life if the Sun planet is positively placed in the astrological chart. The Sun is considered the ruler of the planetary system which helps one to experience positive energy levels to lead a successful life.

According to Vedic remedies for sun in astrology, all these planets are very easy remedies for the Sun planet which can be done at home. This Surya (Surya) remedy will help in reducing the malevolent effects of the male during his Mahadasha or inner state due to the adverse Rashi in the horoscope and the unfavorable position in the house. These remedies for sun in astrologywill help to make the weak sun strong and positive.


Malefic Effects of Sun(purush ke surya ke prabhaav)

The male influence of the Sun in the horoscope can cause many problems that will hinder the development of a person. Suffering gives the arrogant, arrogant temperament, arrogant, arrogant, jealous, over ambitious, irritable, grumpy, confident, dominating nature, wastage, obstacles and difficulties, immoral and spiteful nature. Remedies for sun in astrology says,When the sun sets badly in your birth chart or is in a debilitating state, it gives ominous results with health problems, fever, headaches, eye troubles and high officials and politicians.

Surya Shanti for Home and Family(Garh aur parivaar ke lie surya shaanti)

If you wish for sun peace for your home and family, you can opt for remedial measures as explained in the following paragraphs. But, before doing so, you should consult an expert astrologer, who can tell you what the best remedies for sun in astrology will be for you.

It is considered very effective, if you do Surya Nakshatra or Surya Shanti during Sunday, during any Surya Nakshatra. Kritika, Purva Phalguni or Purvashada. Also, if possible, choose Surya Hora to take remedies for sun in astrology related to Surya.

Sun planet peace home (surya grah shaanti grah)

• Sun planet shanti griha helps to propose and strengthen the sun planet in the horoscope to lead a better life.
• Furthermore, it gives ways to gain more knowledge and knowledge in life.
• Those who want to sharpen their intellectual level can choose this homam to achieve desired results.

Fasting for the sun (Surya grah ke liye upavas)

Fasting is a way to ask God for penance to purify your inner self and keep your soul, mind and body clean. If you want to please the Sun, then you should keep Sunday fast. During these fasts, you should only consume sweet food, and that too only once a day.

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Rudraksha Mala

Remedies for sun in astrology says,12 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala / Bracelet should be worn for protection from Surya Dosh / Surya Purush Dosh. This Rudraksha represents Lord Rama, the ruler of the Sun.

Charity (Daan)

The best time to donate to the planet Sun is before 8:00 am. A donation or donation should be made to a Supatra (a person who is suited to receive this donation). You can donate jaggery, wheat grains, copper, ruby ​​gems, red flowers, poppy seeds and soil, red clothes, sattva cow etc. for better remedies for sun in astrology results from sun planet peace.

Aum hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

There are many other mantras. We recite the Vedic Surya Mantra which one should learn from the Guru. Mantra chanting is 6000. Mantra chanting is a temporary remedy which helps reduce the negative effects of the planets for some 3, 4 years we have based on dosa.

Precaution while doing Remedies(Upay karne ke Sabdhanata )

These are the common remedies for sun in astrology tested once again for Surya Graha, which can be done for all the natives irrespective of the Sun location in the horoscope. These remedies for sun in astrology are more moral and ethical as well as spiritual which can be practiced without much effort. But the degree of benefit derived from these measures depends on other influencing factors such as category of afflicted planet, severity, continuity of performance, Muhurta and confidence while doing so.