Sixth Sense: Know How Your Sixth Sense Can Be Forgotten According to the Zodiac

Almost everyone knows about Sixth sense ie Sixth sense. But there are very few people who are able to awaken this sense of their senses. There are many methods mentioned in Indian Puranas, Yoga Shastra etc. which can be awakened by doing this. By awakening this sense, a person can see the future, can read the words of others and can get information from every corner of the world even after being situated in one place. Scientists believe that one-third of people in the world have this active activity. But they too have to make efforts to awaken this sense. Today, in this article, we will know according to the zodiac, which measures can be done to awaken this sensory.



This is the amount of fire element. The quality of fire is also to be burnt and to be lighted. Mars is the lord of this zodiac. The might of Mars is seen in their might, but haste and anger have their drawbacks. If the people of this zodiac keep their anger under control and do not do any work under excessive excitement, then gradually their sixth sense starts working. After this, these people can also awaken this sense by taking the help of yoga meditation.



People of this zodiac have the quality of tolerance and never retreat from their reality. However , due to the zodiac owned by Venus , people of this zodiac give priority to worldly pleasures, due to which their sixth sense is not activated. If people of this zodiac make a short distance from the world and do not let lust enter their mind, then it is not difficult for them to awaken the sixth sense.



This is the sign of the air element, so people of this zodiac live in the world of fantasies. Owing to Mercury, these people also have good intellectual abilities, but being highly imaginary can sometimes be fatal for them. If out of the world of imagination, these people understand the reality and do not let unnecessary thoughts come into their mind, then their sixth sense can be awakened. The biggest drawback is their mindfulness.


The planet lord of this zodiac is lunar while the zodiac element is water. People of this zodiac are highly emotional and full of sensations. Being highly emotional also proves fatal to them at times. These people need to overcome their emotions in order to activate their Sixth Sense. If the Moon is high in their horoscope, it does not have any flickering and the chances of awakening the Sixth Sense are also increased.

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The lord of this zodiac is the home sun and this fire element is the zodiac. Loyalty is seen in these people for doing any work, but they lack their ability to last long on any one task. Along with this, haste is also seen in them. If people of this zodiac learn to be restrained and calm, then their sixth sense can be awakened. The feeling of dissatisfaction is also bad for the people of this zodiac. This causes problems in awakening the Sixth Sense.


People of this zodiac like to do every work with full law. Mercury is the lord of this zodiac and the element of this zodiac sign of Earth, their biggest obstacle in awakening the Sixth Sense is lack of flexibility in nature. If these people start understanding the situations properly and behaving accordingly, then their Sixth Sense can be awakened.


People of Libra zodiac owned by Shukra are opinionated, since it is the sign of air element, these people are also highly thinking. If these people bring the horses of their mind under control, then they do not face much trouble in awakening the sixth sense because they also have the virtue of doing every work properly under the influence of Venus.


People of Scorpio owned by Mars fall into the bondage of Moh-Maya very quickly and this creates difficulties in awakening the Sixth Sense. If these people walk a short distance from the world, then they can awaken the sixth sense.

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The lord of this zodiac sign is Jupiter and the element fire. This is the zodiac sign of the zodiac, which remains unconnected with the world. However, their disadvantage is to jump immediately from one idea to another. If these people control their mind’s instincts, then their sixth sense is easily awakened.


For the people of Capricorn owned by Saturn, being indifferent to problems becomes an obstacle to awaken the sixth sense. If they proceed by solving every problem, then their Sixth Sense starts gradually becoming active.


People of the predominant air element, Aquarius, face many problems in controlling their mind, but when they bring their mind under control, they also solve the biggest problem easily. In order to awaken your sixth sense it is most important to keep your mind under control.


People of the Pisces zodiac owned by Jupiter can quickly trust anyone and come easily to others. Due to which they deviate from its path too many times. If they control these things, then you can wake up your Sixth Sense.

Resort to yoga to awaken the sixth sense

The native of any zodiac should identify them first to remove their imperfections and then they should be removed through yoga. If you keep doing yoga continuously, then gradually your sixth sense starts awakening. However, for this, you should stay away from sattvic food, restraint, following the right routine, abandoning bad thoughts, wrong association.