1 Way To Tell Someone has Crush On You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Everyone deals with crushes in their own little way. While some will do their best to keep it in, others can’t help but be kind of obvious about it. When it comes to how to tell if someone likes you, astrologers say there are certain things every zodiac sign will do when they secretly have a crush. So if you’re curious if someone you like is interested, astrology can help you out.

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It’s funny because sometimes, you may not have even noticed some of these characteristics in someone else, while it may be their telltale signs that they’re falling for you. Here’s what you should look out for to see if someone likes you back, based on their zodiac sign.


Being one of the most dashing, outgoing and signs, it is rare that he will keep it a secret when Aries people have a crush on him. “They are at the forefront of the zodiac signs, so you’ll instantly know if they like you or not,” these fire signs not only like making the first move, they also really like chasing.

Before Aries people make their vision, they will be sure to see their best form. Aries people like to win. They will try to increase their chances of winning the person they love. “They would be smiling and full of a sparkle in their eyes,” Maken says. “It is not too long in conversation that they will bring him out for dinner.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): They’ll Make A Joke

The Taurian bull is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. According to Machen, having a fixed sign means that they remain in place. “If it wasn’t for Venus, the planet, which represents love, romance, beauty, among other things, the Taurus love record would be quite scary,” she says. “Luckily, the Taurians have sensed subtlety and feel deeply, so if they found someone they were interested in, there are telltale signs.” When a Taurus sees someone truly worth pursuing (because they will wait for someone they are worthy of), they will make their move. “She’ll approach you and tell a joke to break the ice,” she says. He specializes in subtle versatility. “The Taurians love their location, but if they give you a little tap on your hand or shoulder, they are completely on their way.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20): They Might Act Hot And Cold

“Dualistic by nature, sometimes you don’t know if you’re coming or going with a Gemini,” Mckean says. Geminis are “equal opportunity communicators”. Meaning, they’ll talk anyone up. But if a Gemini is starting to fall for someone, things can get confusing. “One of the Gemini twins will be regal towards you, while the other will be cold,” she says.

Although it may not seem like the best situation, it’s actually a good thing. Because as she says, “When a Gemini acts contradictory, that means they’re falling hard and fast for you.” If they’re just crushing, they will be increasingly and creatively expressive. Being an air sign, Geminis like to talk. When they’re crushing, they’ll also speak with their body language. They may unconsciously flex more, run their fingers through their hair, blink a lot. “When they ask you out on your first date, their eyes will light up, their body language will perk up even more, and their smile will be from ear to ear after they hear you say yes,” she says.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): They’ll Be Extra Shy

Love to nurture cancer. According to Killick, you know that they like you, because they will try to feed you and give you affection and gifts. They just want to make sure that you are comfortable.

Even though cancer is cardinal energy, which means that they initiate action, they are also a water signal. Maken says he has a habit of making her sensitive and shy. When a cancer likes someone, they will be very shy in making an attitude. “When they are crushing on you, they will put you in their place, and if you make eye contact, they will blush and look away.” “They’ll rarely come out and tell you they like you. They’ll be hem and sergeant; however, the minute they think you’re getting away or someone else has caught your attention, they’ll be there for you. Starts the fastest that can go even further. An Aries. ”

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Leo (July 23 – August 22): They’ll Show Off A Bit More

Traces of fire are known to go out. So when it comes to crutches, it is no wonder that Leo is not a subtle type. According to Killick, they will try to woo you with grand gestures and attention. They are also not afraid of public displays of affection. If a lion puts his hand around you, tries to hold your hand, or is as close to you as possible, they are definitely in you.

Leos has been known to love the spotlight. “Although they like to be the center of attention, when they like someone, they will show a bit more.” When they become more proactive about pushing you forward, they will find ways to do you one-by-one. Once they are finally alone with their crush, they will be warm, sweet and very attentive. “If you decide to pursue a relationship with a Leo, they will be loyal and affectionate and hopefully in return,” she says.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): They’ll Do Small Favors For You

Viros may have nervous disposal. According to Machen, their “crushed state” is rather suppressed because they are often busy with your studies. “Their crush can’t be noticed because they don’t like to be abusive,” she says. “But when they are crushing, they will observe you, pay attention to your patterns, your habits and your likes and dislikes. It’s all the time.” You will know that when a girl likes you, when they do small favors without asking you. “They will make sure that the environment is to your liking and they start wearing your favorite colors,” she says. “They rarely initiate the action to ask you on the first date, but they will invite you with a group of people to get close to you in a casual setting.”

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Libra (September 23 – October 22): They Will Mimic Your Mannerisms

Libra is ruled by Venus. It is, therefore, no surprise that love for a Libra is “one of the basic elements of life such as water or food,”. “When they’re crushing on you, they don’t keep it as a secret. They’ll share with others how amazing they think you are. They’re not shy at all about making the first move, though they have Anything from. The cuckoo can act, it’s just an act. ”

Librus has an old relationship with romance. They ask you to go out on a traditional date such as lunch or coffee instead of eating and coffee. “It may sound boring, but ever beautiful, and full of romance, your first date with your Libra will feel like something out of a romance novel,” Libras will mimic your body movements, which is a way to sync with you. After all, it’s about balancing with them.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): They’ll Play Games

The Scorpios love the secret and keeping their cards close to their chests. But when Scorpio finds someone they can’t resist, you’ll feel it. It usually starts with the classic Scorpio stare. She says, “Whatever work, work, or activity you do, and do it unnecessarily, because you feel the weight of staring at them.”

“It’s not scary, it’s tricky. With that intrigue, you know that a Scorpio is crushing on you.” They will initiate the connection, but they also decide the place so that their crush can make the first move. As McCain says, they usually do this as “verification tests” to see if the crush is mutual. “It may seem like too much of a game for some hints, but Scorpio knows how to grow sequentially to keep you up,” she says. “They are very loyal and are known for being intense and passionate.”

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): They’ll Let You Know In An Adorable Way

Of all the zodiac signs, Sagittarius values ​​his freedom the most. They are known to be busy and always on the move. Because it is difficult to pin them down, That you will not even realize that Sagittarius likes you immediately. But if they invite you to join one of their journeys, it is a really good sign that they are in you.

Sagittarius is another sign that cannot be kept secret. “This is not in any way because of masculinity, but archers were born to land arrows of truth everywhere,”  “Sagittarius is a fire sign, so when they meet a person, they won’t kill around Bush.” Sagittarius needs a positive conversation in order to have a crush on someone. But once they do, they make it clear. They “type to travel on their feet because they rip a bunch of dandelions for you.” It’s too sweet.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): They’ll Make You A Priority

Capricorns are known to be quite reserved and disciplined. For them, it is all work before play. As long as they allow themselves to find a partner, They are happy wherever they are in their careers. This is really good if you are looking for a stable long-term partner because they will be willing to put their time into building a relationship with you.

Like other signs of the Earth, Capricorn will slowly but surely approach. “When a Capricorn has a crush on you, they offer you something like they learn from a good textbook,” she says. “This may sound unrealistic, but the weirdness will verify how real Capricorn is.” Caps are not known to be really weird because they always like to leave the illusion that they are super composited and put together. “Their manners are impeccable when they are crushing on you and they will make you feel on top of the world,” she says.

Read Also: How Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They Have A Crush

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): They’ll Be Nervous Around You

You will come to know that Aquarius likes you when they start making you a part of their world. this air sign usually has a large circle of friends. If they feel that you are a relationship material, they will test the water by allowing them to meet their friends.

When there is a crush of Aquarius, you can also see a slight change in their behavior. He is given the gift of being objective about isolating emotional issues and solving problems. So this normally makes them very cold.

But when a Aquarius starts acting differently, as if they will get nervous or start spending extravagantly, then only you will know that they have a crush. “While this is happening, they have a smile on their face and a new glow for them,” she says. “They can also walk with a small chota in their step. It is an Aquarius that is crushing prominently on someone new.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): They’ll Make An Effort To Be Around You

“The fish are good at keeping secrets, but they also wear their heart on their sleeves, “Natural romance, you cannot tell whether the people of Pisces are in love or not.” signs of seriously crushing the people of Pisces are that they become incredibly consistent with you. “Marked by two fish, this is a sign that enjoys its freedom and its alone time,” “But when they start falling for you, you’ll find that they hang around you more.” It is all about making small sacrifices with them as they will try to be around you. “You undoubtedly feel that if you are associated with Pisces, you will feel relieved.”

As you can see, everyone deals with crutches in their own way. If you want to keep yourself a secret, then you know what to look for. On the other hand, if you are interested in seeing if someone likes you, make sure to look at their zodiac to see what they do.