The Worst Phase Of Shani Sade Sati?

Saturn is said to be the spiritual energy that teaches, examines, and pushes us to our limits. It is also known as the “Lord of Karma”, it is the most dreadful planet of all. Saturn is one and a half years old. The reason why people are afraid of it is mostly suffering, discomfort, and discomfort, which brings it to endless time periods of period time years. It can also be studied from the octave, which we will learn in the next section.

Since Shani (Saturn) is the slowest moving planet, it takes about 29 years and 10 months to complete the entire zodiac sign of 12 zodiac signs.

This is about 2. Stays in a sign for years. When a person goes through this phase – his curiosity begins – what will happen to him during this time and many natives get scared in this period. The problem is whether the entire duration will be terrible or will the duration be good.

How to identify Sati Sati?

It is very easy to understand. Here the sign of the moon is to be taken into consideration. We have to look at the sign where the Moon is placed in the Ascendant / Ascending chart. This phase of grief or discomfort begins when Saturn transits the Moon in the first, second and twelfth house.

Given the fact that Saturn, which is most commonly addressed as the male planet, transcends the Moon, which symbolizes our deepest emotions and a person’s mind. The cause of sati brings a lot of suffering in our lives, due to the fact that it dominates our mind and targets our logical and rational thinking resulting in adverse life.

This is the period they say can make a king a beggar! Read on to see how sati has the ability to bend tables in both good and bad ways.

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Three Phases of Sade Sati

The first stage of ½ and a half: When Saturn enters the twelfth house from the Moon, it starts Sati Sati on a particular horoscope or person. It can be said- When Moon is in Aries, Saturn will start seven and a half when Saturn enters Pisces. Saturn will remain in this sign for about two and a half years. And this is called the first phase of Saad Sati.

The first phase of Saad Sati affects the economic conditions of the natives as their bills are likely to exceed their income. Natives may fail to undertake new financial projects during this period.

The second stage of ½ and a half: When Aries enters in after 2.5 years. After this the second phase of Saad Sati begins which is also called the peak phase of Saad Sati. Given the reasons, it basically brings plenty of hurdles in matters of family and business.

He may struggle with relationships with his friends and family resulting in him staying away from his family and suffering from various health-related issues.

Third Phase of Sati Sati: Then after 2.5 years, Saturn will enter Taurus, the second house from the Moon- which will be the third phase of Sati Sati. So, friends are the way how Saturn enters these three houses, twelve, first, and second houses from the Moon and creates a period of seven and a half years which according to astrology we call Sati Sati Kaal.

The natives who go through the third stage of Sati Sati are advised not to engage in quarrels and conflicts.

The worst phase of Sade Sati

Of the three phases, the second phase is the most difficult for the natives because the moon is coupled with Saturn in this phase. The conjunction of Saturn and Moon cannot be taken as favorable. Therefore, the results of Sati Sati depend entirely on the position of Saturn. The results of Shani Sati and a half are not always disappointing. It also depends on the location/transition of Saturn. The effect of Saturn ½ year can be auspicious, inauspicious, or mixed, depending on whether the Moon is in the sign of Saturn or in an exaggerated, weak, or friendly sign.

Sati will not have an influence on Taurus, Libra, and Aquarius. Saturn in transit also gives auspicious results from the 8th house in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses. While crossing these houses, this monetary gain, achievement in a profession, employment, and freedom from diseases, as well as a person will be courageous and fulfill his desires.

On the contrary — in bad houses, it gives fear, disease, and heavy expenses. Also when Saturn is crossing through its own signs or signs of the Ascendant, it ends the original with good results. The male result increases when Saturn passes weakly or is in the sign of the enemy.

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Sade Sati and Ashtakavarga

The Ashtakavarga is a series of 7 planets from their respective places of origin and is in the Lagna to Natal chart and the measurement of the results is explained numerically.

We calculate various points in the Ashtakavarga, which is the method given by Mahatma Rishi to learn about Sati Sati. The vantage points are called the point and the male is called the line. Bindus and Rekha’s act as catalytic agents to increase or decrease the good effects of emotionality. This is the most specific method used for transit results. Bindu is the benefic point given by the planets in the Ashtakavarga which contributes to the 7 planets and sati with persistence.

The planets give a maximum of 8 points in their octaves. Similarly, the line in the Ashtakvarga is the male numeral. We calculate the line by cutting 7 out of 7 planets and the total points given by the Lagna and we get the line. The total marks are 8. If Saturn gets 5 points, the line will be 3.

Strength of Bindus

0 to 3 points bad results
4 cool medium
5-6 cool good
7-8 point very good

Similarly, Sarvashtakvarga is prepared for various houses. The total gain points in the horoscope are 337. There are 12 expressions. The average point of each sentiment is 28. Therefore the price which is higher than the average point or the specified point of each price will be strong and less than that is considered weak.

The transit of a planet in a Rashi or bhava having an average or a point greater than 28 gives a good result, while it is transiting through a weak zodiac sign. It has been observed that planets transiting in a sign with more than 30 dots give very good results. A house is considered a very week if it has less than 20 dots. So the result related to home will be adverse.

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Applying the Ashtakvarga principle on sati – we have to pay attention to these essential things:

  • When Saturn passes through the 12th, there are more than 30 dots in the 1st and 2nd house from the moon, then the result of this transit will be beneficial. However, it may cause problems when transiting through a signal that is less than 28 points.
  • If the Ashtakavarga of Saturn contributed more than 4 points, the result of this transit cannot be bad. On the contrary- it will give bad results.
  • If Saturn is passing through the house of his own friend/friend then the result will not be bad again.
  • See also the constellation surrounding the moon. If these are beneficial, then Sati Sati’s results cannot be bad.
  • Aspects of other planets should also be taken into consideration. The beneficial aspects produce excellent results, while the malevolent aspects cause evil.

Astrological remedies to reduce the negative effects

There are some special remedies during this period i.e. 23000 Shanti mantras, black gram donation, urad dal, and Hanuman Chalisa in 40 days.

Thus, it is the duty of the astrologer, – while giving the result of Sadesati to any natives, they should study the chart very carefully and give proper treatment to the natives in full faith.