These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Experience the Best July 2020

We have reached July, which means we are over half of the year. Fortunately, it is also in summer, but the final eclipse of the Cancer-Capricorn series is fast approaching and means business.


So, although you are on the heels of another eclipse, it is also the beginning of a new month, which brings many positive points. The good news is that July 2020 will be the best month for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs will be revealed exactly this month during the cancer season.


The Astro season of July is replete with decisive transit, beginning on July 1 with the retrograde Saturn returning to its home sign, Capricorn, in addition to Saturn’s power as a generational planet, through Capricorn. Its transit to Se would be particularly impressive, as it would not return for 27 to 29 years thereafter.

The retrograde cycle is known as a time to re-display, reflect and revise, but it is also an opportunity to rejuvenate key themes in your life. In Capricorn, Saturn, along with Pluto, does not need to follow collapsed structures, systems, and hierarchies, but this current retrograde cycle still leaves a lot of work for Karma.

Capricorn is a symbol of structures and authority figures, so Saturn’s regression will likely put its final touch on the actively established foundations for the future of our governmental structure.

Just as July can be any more “Saturnian”, the final eclipse in the Cancer-Capricorn series on July 6 will be a full lunar eclipse in Capricorn, which is also ruled by Saturn. In addition, Chiron, a healer who is wounded, will also be retrograde in Aries on July 11, but Mercury will eventually move directly into Cancer on July 12.

You will not only feel the pre and post effects of this full lunar eclipse, but you will also work through the retrograde energies of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron. There is a lot to take in, but believe it will be worth it in the long term.

Know why in July, good time for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces:

Also Read: July 2020 Will Be the Most Romantic for These Zodiac Signs


You unlock your full potential. Happy birthday, Cancer. When you look at the sun, know that it is shining for you this season.

Going back from Saturn to Capricorn through a committed involvement in your seventh house, it will probably inspire you to reflect the structure of your relationships and the dynamics between you and the authority figures in your life.

This is the last time Saturn will activate your relationship zone in the next 27 to 29 years, so this transit is extremely important for you.

A full lunar eclipse will also ignite the relationship area of ​​your chart, which will give you a lot more clarity for your personal partnership. Keep an open mind, who knows what can happen.

Recommended: Your spiritual message for July 2020, according to your zodiac sign


You broaden your personal horizons. Reach for the stars, Scorpio. When you look at the horizon and imagine your future, what do you see? This will be an important topic for you in July, but before we reap the benefits, let’s talk about the reality of the situation: Saturn’s previous shift in Capricorn.

Also Read: July 2020 Will Be Worst for These Zodiacs Signs

This change will happen in your resourceful third house of communication, thought processes, and immediate circles, and it will likely inspire you to reflect your delivery, mindset, and communication style. These areas of your subject have everything to want from the facts, and you will need the help of your left (logical) brain to make the most of your next adventure.

The full lunar eclipse will also affect this area of ​​your chart, so be careful with your thinking processes and most importantly, do not hesitate to rely on your peers to guide you.


Your base in your twinkling authenticity. Shine like a diamond, Pisces. Saturn’s return to your eleventh house of teams, friendship groups, and a sense of belonging to the world will highlight your ambitions, your long-term goals, and your future.

Therefore, whether it is with a motivational colleague or long-time friend, take the opportunity to mingle with like-minded people who serve your interests. In fact, a full lunar eclipse will also activate this area of ​​your chart, meaning that you can suddenly turn the page on an important chapter, closing one door to open another.

No matter how many people are in the world, there is no one like you, and it is time for you to share this unique light with your loved ones. The world needs it.