These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Least Affected By July New Moon

Ready for the next major lunar moment? Well, ready or not, the new moon of July 2020 is heating up on Monday, July 20, and it feels right to us. It occurs in a shining cancer-sensitive and family-oriented signal, and as the first non-eclipse lunar eclipse since the eclipse season 2020, many of us had high expectations that it might calm down after the storm – King!


La Luna is creating some highly depressing planetary aspects that may throw one or two into our plans, but for the zodiacs affected by the new moon of July 2020, bumps in the road actually prove to be more creative to make crazy Can. And if we use energy properly, all zodiac signs have the opportunity to build a more solid foundation for their goals under this radiant.


A tough opposition aspect between Saturn and Amavasya is causing the most lunar crisis here, which may force us to slow things down and throw some unexpected challenges between us and our goals – especially ours. Relating to feelings and emotions. astrologer told ,” Both the sun and the moon will oppose Saturn, which can make us feel emotionally blocked during the new moon.

“Energy can be positive for serious thought and action, if you don’t interrupt your feelings of depression and loneliness. “Best advice? Make a step-by-step plan and don’t try to get to the finish line by taking shortcuts The energy of Saturn brings a heavy dose of practicality to our dreamy and farthest goals as well, so we will find that embracing pure practicality and hard work is the only way to see results under this moon.

Also Read: How The New Moon in Cancer on July 20, Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

While this glitter can certainly be frustrating and test our patience in the most headache-inducing methods, fixed zodiac signs – which naturally put in tasks and sustained effort – pose challenges in more positive ways Can feel from The zodiac signs here will at least affect the new moon of July 2020.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Under Amavasya, you are feeling a hopeless pull between the passionate and tangible, Aries sign – and it is no fun to have an impatient fire sign like yourself. While you are being called to focus your energies on your home and family life, heal fundamental wounds, and make your personal space a more comfortable oasis, you are able to gain any traction due to the high pressures of work.

Feel incapable. Capitalize your desires to deepen yourself and create a safe emotional space to resolve through your issues. You have to strike a balance because your responsibilities cannot wait. Set aside sometime this weekend to connect with the family, write in your magazine, or clean your house so that you don’t lose it. You will still have plenty of time to put your professional life on hold.

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Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer season has been a nonstop rollercoaster for you, Cancer Baby. Between Mercury retrograde, two eclipses, and now a second new moon in your sign, you are hardly able to take and hold your breath. Under this glossy, you are feeling frustrated at not having enough time, especially for yourself.

After all the astrological intensity you have to pay rent, it is a day time to prioritize your needs. Unfortunately, this weekend may not pan like this. The relationship drama is making it impossible to focus on itself – but conflict and discord is nothing.

You are learning valuable lessons on how you can handle relationships, so pay attention to the partnership they need during the new moon, but be sure to honor yourself by maintaining boundaries and communicating your needs.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

When you have become a busy bee at work, Libra, and when you talk about new projects and goals, you will feel the spark of inspiration and initiative. However, the energy of Amavasya is stopping your flow completely.

When your heart wants to focus on your professional dreams, when you talk about responsibilities in your domestic life, you will feel conflicted. Some sacrifice will be required – you will need to make time to deal with the emotional issues that arise.

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Otherwise, they will continue to be distracted by the things you want to focus your energy on. Remember that this is only temporary. Despite the fact that you are bursting with ideas, take small and practical steps toward your goals instead of defying gravity.

Doing the small stuff will give you time to deal with other personal matters – and it will still count as progress once it is shiny.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

If you want to fix your relationships, Makara, you are going to heal yourself – and under the upcoming Amavasya, you will see it with crystal clarity.

It is important for you to handle your relationships with integrity, as well as building long-lasting bonds with your partner and other close confidants. When you feel more motivated to involve yourself in these partnerships, you will find that you will continue to run into the same issues, and the core of those issues lies within you.

Be prepared for your own emotional baggage and do the necessary shadow work to thrive in your relationships and difficult stuff arises. Shortcuts are tempting, but you know better than anyone that they are not as reliable as the long road that guarantees success.