This Auspicious Yoga Is The Secret Of Your Progress In The Horoscope

Even though science considers the planets to be only part of the solar family, but from the point of view of astrology, they are not just part of the solar family, but the activities of the entire gravitational world are affected by them. The condition of the planet is responsible for all the good effects.

At the time of man’s birth, the nature of the person is determined by the condition of the planets. The horoscope of the native is predicted by the sum of the planets in the horoscope, then his year horoscope tells how the time of the coming year will be for him? Many times, the planets in the horoscope of the native create some inauspicious yoga, due to which the mountain of disasters is broken by birth on the native.

But there are some such auspicious yogas that even the native does not have the feeling of a thing called trouble. Let us tell you some similar horoscopes that change your life and those that you make, the progress you make doubles day and night.

Mahalakshmi yoga

Mahalakshmi Yoga is the provider of wealth and opulence in the native’s fortune. In the horoscope of the native, this Dhanakaraka Yoga is formed when the lord of the second place, who is also considered the lord of wealth, i.e., Jupiter is sitting in the eleventh house and looking at the second house.

This yoga is considered very auspicious because it removes the poverty of the natives and prosperity welcomes him. But this yoga also flourishes only when the native also performs worthy deeds.

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Saraswati Yoga

If you are gaining fame in the fields of art, music, writing, and education, then one of the factors may be the presence of this yoga in your horoscope. A great yoga like Saraswati is formed in the horoscope of the person when the planets Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are in each other or are sitting in the center and are making relationships with each other in some way or vision.

Maa Saraswati is kind to the person whose yoga is in the horoscope and they earn a big name in creative fields, especially in the fields of art and knowledge.

Nrup Yoga

It is known by the name of this yoga that the person in whose horoscope this yoga is formed, lives the life of that person like a king. This yoga is formed in the horoscope of the native only when three or more than three planets are in a higher position. People reach the summit in politics with the help of this yoga.

Amla Yoga

This yoga is also considered one of the auspicious yogas. When an auspicious planet is placed tenth from the Moon in the birth magazine of the native, then this yoga is formed. Amala Yoga also provides wealth and fame in a person’s life.

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Gajkesari yoga

A very lucky person is one whose yoga is formed in the horoscope. It is placed in the category of extraordinary yoga. The person with this yoga never leads a life in absence. Success runs on its own. It is said that when it is formed in the horoscope, Dev Guru Jupiter and Moon are with full causative effect, then they create this yoga.

When Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, or Scorpio are placed in the ascendant place of the magazine, it is considered a causal effect. However, even if this yoga is not completely causal, it is considered to give good results, but in such a situation, less fruit is expected.

When Jupiter is in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth position from the Moon in the center, then this yoga is called Gajakesari Yoga. Apart from this, the same yoga is formed when Moon and Jupiter are together.

Parijat Yoga

You must have heard the story of the rabbit and the turtle in which the rabbit runs fast but loses due to over-confidence and his ego and the turtle slowly but steadily completes his race and wins without parijot yoga. The story is also similar to this:

The people of this yoga are successful in their life and reach the peak of success, but their pace is slow. After about half the life has passed, the effects of this yoga begin to appear. According to the horoscope, if the lord of the zodiac sign is in a higher position in the horoscope or in his own house, then Parijat Yoga is made in such a situation.

Chhatra Yoga

When the native progress continuously in his life and progresses and is highly placed, this is also possible due to Chhatra Yoga. Chhatra Yoga is considered to be the umbrella of the Lord i.e. the Lord’s grace. This yoga is formed when all the planets are present in the horoscope of the native from the fourth to the tenth house.

Similarly, there are many more auspicious yogas in your horoscope, due to which our life is pleasant. But what yoga is in your horoscope, only the scholar Jyotishacharya can tell after studying your horoscope and the scholarly astrologer from all over the country is now away from you on one click