Top 7 Things NOT To Say to A Taurus

1. Give me some space

When a Taurus falls in love, he considers people his personal responsibility. It’s just that they just love so deeply and strongly and just want you to return the love with the same intensity.

2. Why is it always your way?

Taurians will never accept this in their minds because they are these balanced good people – as long as you agree to go their way. They have definite ideas about how things should be and whatnot.


3. Stubborn

The bull has earned its reputation by locking its horns in everything they do not agree with. You will see it in a stubborn set of jaws and refuse to move the way they once made up their mind. On the positive side, this property makes them stable and grounded.

4. Spent!

Taureans love luxury. They will never compromise on their convenience. Nature has extra love. Their homes will generally be comfortable with expensive interiors. His love for good food is well known.

5. Lazy!

Taurians can do anything by sitting for hours but watching their favorite shows. They get into these recharge phases when all they do is not doing anything at home.

Read Also: Top 7 Things NOT To Say To An Aries

6. Lend me money

Those with Taurus and Taurus will no longer feel like spending on you but ask for a loan from them and they will be the most troubled people. They hate to borrow anything – their bikes, money, books, and more.

7. Why do you spend so much on yourself

This is not an amount for those when they arrive. They will buy the best money, buy expensive brands, visit fancy restaurants, and will not shy away from spending on their expensive gadgets.