Top 7 Things NOT To Say To An Aquarius

1. Call them aloof or cold

Aquarius like Pisces lives in two worlds – the only difference is their razor-sharp intelligence. There is very little water carrier escape. They may come as detached and detached but they know that they have always planted one foot on the ground.

Don’t be fooled by the distant look of your Aquarius, maybe they can hear you but are not in their disturbing mode. Give them some space; They will reach you.

2. Stupid !!

Aquarius takes pride in their brains. If you do not respect the mental prowess of an agaric friend, you will lose it quickly. Aquatic children are known for their love of personal space, freedom, common sense of humor, and curiosity.

Air signs, are intellectual and prudent and have been visited with an analytical mind. They always live in the future, they are ahead of their time and they seem a little strange to others.


3. Waste their thoughts

Being the king of Uranus, the wild son of astrology is not an extraordinary feat because Uranus is the most bizarre and electrifying planet in the universe. Although temporary – Uranus is often associated with luminosity. Aquarius is known for its fearless belief in revolutionary ideas and radical ideas. They believe in keeping the dream alive whether they succeed or not.

4. Question their knowledge

Charles Darwin, Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Yoko Ono are all Aquarians like Oprah Winfrey. Aquarius doesn’t like to be told “you don’t know” because they know everything – or they believe they do. This is one of their basic features. You’ll seldom hear Aquarius say “I don’t know” – he’s probably going to say “you don’t know me”.

Read Also: Top 7 Things NOT To Say To An Aries

5. Criticize them

If you have an Aquarius husband or wife, brace yourself. These water carriers carry an acid tongue. Although they will do it vigorously – but it is true. The important thing to remember is what to do to get their rider? The fact of the matter for Aquarius is that they will need it before they press their buttons or betray them. Although some do the same for boredom!

6. Hate Journey

The moment you tell this to an airy friend, he has already lost interest in you. Aquarius people love a good adventure. Boredom always benefits them by changing the situation and clearing their heads. They enjoy meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, recipes. They are sincerely an explorer.

7. Be mean

Aquarius hates anyone’s childhood. This is a zodiac sign that really believes that “live and let live” – don’t be a tight fist around them – they will lose all respect for you – most likely they will refuse to belong to you. Aquarius is a humanitarian symbol – you are sure to find it in protest rallies and animal shelters.