Do you See Water in your Dreams? What does it Signify?

Young woman enjoying water and sun in outdoor swimming pool

Dreaming is something that everyone loves. Some are happy with it. And sad for some. For others, dreams are hope. But for some it is anxiety. Whatever the dream, it is a personal experience. But have you ever wondered what is meant by some of the dreams you see? Dreams are made up of symbols. They are indications of certain conditions in your life that may or may not occur.

The cosmic forces of air, water, and fire may have appeared in your dream. Dreams need to be decoded to understand how all of this connects to your life. In the interpretation of dreams we can identify which symbols are important in our dreams and translate each of them into what they mean to us. Some symbols have broad meanings and narrow meanings. Or it may be related to specific experiences that are special or unique to you. In this article, you can read about the wide range of meanings of water that appear in dreams and what its various forms and contexts tell you.

Swimming in the water

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Swimming in the water

If you dream of swimming in water, it indicates a new goal or destination for you. You may find a new direction in life. It could be starting school, or changing jobs. Swimming shows that your journey is going well, and that you are happy and confident in your circumstances. Staying away from the screen indicates that you are too challenged, and you are not sure if you can reach your goals. In this case, you may want to re-evaluate your future and current activities.

Jumping into the water

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Jumping into the water

Jumping into the water signifies the need to examine your own feelings, needs, actions, and inner mind. Through this you may be trying to understand the goals and intentions of someone close to you, or it may be about how to solve an existing work problem.

Crossing the reservoir

Crossing the reservoir

Crossing a lake in a dream means a desire for freedom and change. You move from a known and safe place to something new and full of doubts.

Playing or having fun in the water
Playing or having fun in the water

Playing or having fun in the water signifies the awakening of a new love or new passion. You want to learn a new relationship, a new work project or a new skill.

Walking on water
Walking on water

Walking on the water indicates that your life is under our control and that you are confident that you will be able to face any challenges you currently face in your life.

Pouring water

Pouring water on someone else means you are helping a friend recover, helping them start a new journey, or giving them new opportunities and blessings.

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Drinking water

Drinking water from a fountain, cold, spring, or other source of nutrients indicates that you are looking for freshness and renewal. On the other hand, drinking unclean water means fear of illness, persistent illness or contamination of body and mind.

Submerged in water

Drowning in Water

Drowning and falling into a stormy sea indicate your anxiety, fear, or motivation from external forces. You may feel overwhelmed by work, friends, relatives, or the current environment or circumstances. Indicates that you have lost your job and that you may have lost someone you love.

Breathing under water

Breathing underwater indicates a desire to return to safety, in particular, safety and freedom from responsibility. You may be facing difficult problems in life and may be overwhelmed by commitments. So you try to return to a place that is simple and safe.

Thirst for Water

Thirst for water means that you have been plagued by recent setbacks or current life experiences (e.g. work, health, relationships). Therefore, we want to be energetic or rejuvenate ourselves. You need to take the time to nurture yourself.

Falling into the water

Falling into the water signifies a feeling of momentary helplessness, out of control, regret for the mistakes made, and the consequences.

Splashing water on the body

Splashing water on the body symbolizes a wake-up call. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Otherwise, you may end up with a workload, a bad relationship, or a life full of remorse.