What Is The Most Stupid Thing You Have Done In Love? | Tarot Reading

Want to know what the stupidest thing you have ever done in love? Then follow the moon and use the Tarot to calculate it.
Rule: Maintain a quiet inner state and meditate in your heart what stupidest thing you have done in love? Four tarot cards from below choose one based on your feelings, remember not to choose deliberately and not to choose repeatedly. After selecting it, turn down to see the answer.

Option 1

Remember, indulge your emotions in front of your lover, and do some actions, behaviors, and words that even make you feel embarrassed now. This is probably the most stupid thing you have ever done in love. For you, when you face someone you love, you will forget many things, and you will act according to what you like. So if you do that, it means you care about the other person.


Option 2

For you, the stupidest thing you have ever done in love is even a cheat. In your opinion, since you have chosen love, you should keep going forever, and if the love triangle happens to you because of other people in the middle, it is very silly and speechless. Although you sometimes act like this under the circumstances of last resort, you will feel stupid and regret afterward.

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Option 3

Do you think it is the most stupid thing you have ever done to preach reasoning with each other emotionally! You know that in love, you pay attention to feelings and feelings and almost never make sense. Therefore, you will feel stupid every time you think back to the scene where you continue to argue with each other.

Option 4

In feelings, you will feel that it is silly and embarrassing to show your imperfect and bad side. Perhaps you are very concerned about this person. So you will feel that you have expressed The imperfect side will destroy your image in the other person’s heart, and therefore, you will feel stupid to do that and sometimes reject this kind of thing.