Why Astrologers Tried To Warn Us About 2020

2020 is definitely a year for books. So far, it has brought us the coronovirus epidemic and the largest global civilian uprising that is probably ever demanding justice for black lives and police reform. Even jungle news? This year is only halfway.


We’ve still got the 2020 presidential election to navigate, the second (or third?) Wave of coronaviruses, and with six more months to go, who knows what else is there for us. So, yes, 2020 is officially newtose – but 2020 astrology can explain why everything is so chaotic, intense and full of nonstop action.


In fact, astrologers are warning us about the year 2020, as this year saves the moments of many rare, intense and life-changing planets that are shaking our foundations personally, politically and socially, and giving us the whole Are forced to adapt in a way. New sense of “normal”.

Our daily lives as well as the global landscape have changed a lot as we rang the bells of the New Year, and this theme will continue for the rest of the year, as we usher in an entirely new astrological era. “Astrology has been a hot topic in the astrology community until the year 2020.

And not only astrologers, but leaders of many different cultures have referred to this year as a portal – a threshold to start a new era for humanity. Will cross. ” “Astrologer told the movement.” Astrologically speaking, the cycles of many different planets are ending, which will drastically change in the next 30 years. ”

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Astrologers have long known that rare and epic astronomical events that occur throughout this year by 2020 will bring about massive changes, cataclysmic events, and complete paradigm shifts – but none of how these energies will actually be played out in real-time already knew.

Read on some of the major standout planetary events for the mid-year scoop, which have made us completely insane by 2020 – and whether cosmic chaos is yet to come. Bustle had weighed some astrologers as to why 2020 astrology is so intense.

The Epic Conjunctions

A conjunction in astrology is a planetary aspect that describes two or (or more) planets colliding to the same degree of the same sign at the same time, making their energies aligned and often faster.

Conjunctions are common, but when they include some slow-moving planets, they become much more rare and much more powerful – and indeed the three major planets on the 2020 agenda are coincidences, all social and Transcendental outer planets are involved and are bringing about major changes.

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our life. “The center stage of this year’s rare transit includes Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto,” Montufer says. “The three of them are meeting each other for the purpose of our personal and collective development, with the broad objective of restoring and rebuilding the basic structures of our lives in Capricorn.”

Let’s start with the January astrophysics because the beginning of 2020 came with a cosmic explosion and we were given zero time to adjust.

We concluded the year with the lunar eclipse full moon of Capricorn on 10 January. 10 – But this astronomical event occurred in Capricorn compared to the effects of the rare and intense Saturn / Pluto conjunction that it began on January 12, which was. The first of the three major combinations.

This planetary meeting began to reverse things on a personal and global level. It first marked Saturn and Pluto (which represents restriction/structure and destruction/transformation respectively) found in the sign of Capricorn from 1518 – more than 500 years ago, if you’re counting. And this is important, because anytime these two cosmic players meet in any sign, we experience severe global shifts (you can read more about those here).

And global shifts were indeed experienced: within a few days of the eclipse and the Saturn / Pluto conjunction, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a mysterious coronavirus-related disease in Wuhan, China – we now know that COVID is -19 – and as we can see through the Blindness,

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it was the beginning of mass change and a global discovery of power structures that emerged along the global map. Astrologically, it is easy to see how this intensity was carried forward by the energy of the planets.

Because this conjunction marked the first of three major ones to occur in 2020, the inauspicious “things are just beginning” the energy of this planetary meeting is understandable. This was the first major astro-earthquake of the year – whose aftershock has been felt ever since.

The Capricorn Stellium

When several planets cluster together near the same degree of the same amount, it is known as stellium. January’s Saturn / Pluto combination was actually part of a larger Capricorn pillar, as a group of other planets joined them in the same region of the zodiac, creating a great deal of energy centered on traditional, patriarchal, power-oriented energies.

Flowed. This zodiac – and some major planets dominate this zodiac through the year. The astrologer told Us, “Makar Sankranti forced us to come face to face with our karma, especially those of us, in the USA and what effect it had on our country’s infrastructure.” “The authority and power of our government is under review.

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Think what will happen when you are in trouble with your mother and she threatens to tell her father.” Some astrologers compare the sign of Capricorn (and its ruling planet Saturn) to the energy of a tight, tough-loving father – and this year we are fighting the ultimate father figure: patriarchy. This is evident through the civil uprisings and global protests occurring worldwide through the summer.

The planets continue to cluster in the traditional and official sign of Capricorn through the rest of 2020, allowing us a lot of time to reunite with energies related to these traditional structures and rigid institutions. It smells like a revolution.

So Many Retrogrades

Even if you are not deep in astrology, you probably know that the regressors do not have the best reputation, as they can cause all kinds of accidents, confusion, travel-ups and general upsets.

But these regularly found backpins are not really bad – they are all forced to review the past, think about decisions and take stock of everything from their beliefs to their goals.

It is no surprise, then, that almost every major planet will be retrograde at one point or another during 2020 – even those that are retrograde less frequently, such as Venus and Mars.

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“This year’s regression has a rare nature, as many of them are exhibiting unusual astronomical movements,” says Our Experts

here have been five regressive changes occurring once in a few months of the year so far – and if we want to see the current real-world 2020 events, it is important to consider that both Mars and Mercury will be retrograde during 2020 time. Presidential election (which never happened before in history).

Mercury creates regressive confusion when it comes to thinking, time and information sharing, which casts a shadow of concern over things like vote-count, people making logical choices, and broadcasting accurate information.

With Mars retrograde 2020, we’re bubbling to the surface for repressed anger, as well as the ability to deal with a general lack of initiative, stamina, and passion – situations that are unstable or at least on energy Can have a significant impact. Of election.

The Firepower Of Mars In Aries

On June 27, Mars entered the Aries zodiac, which is notable because the lord of Aries is the planet. Mars rules over things like war, violence, and even the physical body, so this placement is intense, to say the least – and the continued civil unrest, abuse of power,

Or even the spread and toll of coronavirus There can be all kinds of implications for everything from. “Mars in Aries is explosive, there is no passing,” Astrologer says.

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But it is not just the explosive energy of this placement that we have to keep in mind – the fact that Mars will be in this zodiac for a very extended stay this year, due to the fact that Mars retrograde takes place right in 2020. In the midst of its journey.

“Mars extending into Aries will bring us to the dominant position to replace our energy chief first,” says Our experts. “But, it will also inspire impulses, violence and of course rumors of war.

” For the latter half of 2020 (Mars does not rule out this sign until early January 2021), we will be working with the raga-ya, impulsive, vital energy of Mars in Aries, which can indicate anything from bad tempers. Is directly for war.

The Cancer/Capricorn Eclipse Cycle (& That July 4th Eclipse)

Eclipses in astrology (which occur in a series occurring approximately twice per year) represent sudden changes, endings, beginnings, and revelations that align us with our destiny – so they are always intense.

But the eclipse cycle on the Cancer / Capricorn axis (which started in the summer of 2018 and just closed on July 4, 2020) brought us closer to home, especially on both individual and collective levels, because of all the issues we had We were dealing with our safety and security, comfort zones, traditions and relations for authority.

The eclipse has been one of the major forces dominating the 2020 flow. We started the year with a full lunar eclipse in Cancer on January 10, which was both chaotic and transformational, and, as noted, happened within a day of the WHO announcement. The coronavirus-related disease is spreading in China.

Fast forward to summer, which marked the beginning of the next eclipse season: a full lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, coinciding with the call for a national revolt for police reform and racial justice following the death of George Floyd.

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Because this eclipse was the first of a new eclipse cycle on the Gemini / Sagittarius axis, it had the energy of a new beginning. This fight is just beginning.

The following month saw two more eclipses: the lunar eclipse in Cancer and the full lunar eclipse in Capricorn. Both were intense, but the full lunar eclipse occurred on the fourth of July, aka the United States birthday.

It spoke in depth with respect to the power structures and authority figures running this country – and we will see the game through the rest of the year.

Wrapping Up The Year With The Great Conjunction

Miss the major signs flying by 2020? Well, the last one is probably going to be the most intense. On 21 December, Jupiter and Saturn (greater benefits in astrology and more and more male planets) are meeting in a conjunct aspect in the airy sign of Aquarius.

These planets deal with issues of authority and leadership in a wide variety of ways, and when they meet, it is known as a “great combination” – this only happens every couple of decades. Astrologer told us, “The Great Conjunction in December would be the first in 20 years and the last in the sign of Aquarius was in 1623.

“We can expect a lot of ambiguity and confusion about the next step as to what steps we need to take or move forward.” In other words, both our brains and our hearts will receive mixed signals, and we will be unsure of what to prioritize or focus on.

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This confusion is also likely to spread at the social and political level. “We can expect a second outbreak of coronavirus or as an illusion to take precautions, as we will be told different things,” Stardust says. “But it will also be a time of upheaval and revolution – which over time will build a better life on the road.

” According to astrology, 2020 certainly does not look like it will be the end of Hollywood, but all the mess, pain and confusion are only clearing the way for something better.

So… What’s Next?

Knowledge is power – and we must believe that all this intensity is necessary for our collective development, and to help us adopt a new way of being. “Ultimately, all of these transits are jointly scheduled to prepare us for a whole new era, Aquarius, which will once again be in full swing in Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto,” says Montufar.

“This is extremely important because for the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been mingling with the Earth’s signs, focusing our energies on material benefits and safety. But as the Age of Aquarius begins, instead, humanity is innovative And is ready to concentrate. Socialist methods that can produce only air elements for us. ”

2020 has radically shaken all of us and helped to uncover the rift in the foundation of our society. All of us have experienced a change in the way we relate to power and security, so we should think about this year as revolutionary couples are training wheels for the coming years that can change the way we relate to our communities And what we value in society.