Why You Should Date Somebody You’re Not Astrologically “Compatible” With

So you swiped right. The first date was * good *. Then you casually hunkered them on social to sting and trace their sign and… you are the opposite of soul mates, according to the internet. Time to block them forever and avoid wasted relationships? Eh, do it instead.

Make them text mom

To really find out compatibility, you want to see their birth chart. And to get it, you need the exact time and place of their birth. For this information, Strange is better than Stranger Stranger (ie, his parents): asking them directly to the maternal uncle.

Find the pattern

Let’s take a look at the planets in Potential Bow’s chart: the Sun reveals their external preferences, the Moon controls their emotions, Mercury rules communication, Venus is associated with love and values, and Mars is the symbol of sex drive. Note which signs are on each planet – and how they interact with the planets and signs in your own chart. As a general rule, the fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and the wind sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) live well together, while the earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and the water sign (Taurus) Cancer,

Also Read: Most Cowardly Zodiac Signs of All- They Can Ditch You When Scared

Embrace Stress

There will be areas of your chart that scream compatibility (any moon and Venus correspondence are particularly romantic) and others that are, uh, (Mercury and Mars, for example, can be combustible). but! In astrology, the points of conflict are not necessarily negative. Stress can increase speed and encourage you to change your perspective (basically, it helps to sort out your mess).

Calm TF Down

Listen, if your overall compatibility doesn’t look great, that’s fine. Try to flex your sympathetic muscle anyway – after all, even better-than-background-check birth charts do not completely decode their complications. At the end of the day, astrology is about compassion, ya know?