Top 7 Things NOT To Say To A Sagittarius

1. Commitment Phobia

independence is the principle of Sagittarius; They crave adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. They are the greatest phoebe engagement of all the signs of the zodiac. Romantic relationships often cause problems in the future because you hate the idea of ​​staying with one person, having a family, and living in a place forever, tied to one person. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, they will go to the road and explore every corner in-depth in their eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that they will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom they are given the choice they have made, as a result, a good opportunity is sometimes rejected due to their high need for commitment, but this is their choice. so it is a good option for them.

2. Why do you travel so much?

Sagittarians are the ultimate seekers. As a zodiac traveler, Sagittarius is the ultimate free spirit: optimistic, open-minded, and ambitious. To keep a Sagittarius engaged, be willing to go on outdoor dates, something wild and crazy like paragliding, surfing, having a picnic by the riverbank, anything.
They love activities. These are the easiest people to date but don’t think this is set in stone. Enjoy the time you spent with Sagittarius and prepare to move on or at least share it with others because they will be doing the work. same. All in good fun.


3. No-touch

Most Sagittarians suffer from foot and mouth disease. Sagittarius loves to “say it as it is”. However, honesty doesn’t always come in the nicest package. They have been known to hurt feelings with their directness. Sagittarians are not malicious, that is never their intention, in fact they are one of the most honest people in the zodiac. They are like an open book to share with the world and would never harm anyone, but they are often misinterpreted.

4. Why can’t you ask for help?

Sagittarians carry their pain very close to their hearts. They find it very difficult to ask for help or even articulate how truly they feel. They feel that the people closest to them should telepathically understand how they feel and feel shy when sharing their true emotions.

5. Stop being so restless

Sagittarius has a restless soul. They just want to explore the world and not worry about emotions and feelings. Sagittarians often find it difficult to focus on various things sometimes. Others may be affected by their lack of commitment, but they do not care, that is not why they are on this planet, they are here to obtain wisdom, learn, and explore. Sagittarius is having trouble finishing some projects that started if it takes too long, they want immediate results and will move on to the next project if it takes too long.

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6. Why are you so impulsive?

Sagittarians are known to be known for their impulsive streak and for having no worries that carefree nature will begin to stress him out. It might even be a sloppy limit, but they just don’t care. Often they spend a lot, they never seem to care about the repercussions of their actions. Many Sagittarians may find themselves in messy situations, just because they didn’t think about the repercussions. But somehow they always manage to get out of strange problems and situations, possibly it’s the lucky Jupiter that rescues them!

7. About optimistic

Sagittarius likes to see the rainbow even where it doesn’t exist. They are always happy, they look at the positive side of life and they jump to their next adventure. Most Sagittarians seem to be born with a happy bone in them. Try not to accuse them of this because you would lose a very dear friend.